Located next to the Navigation bar, the Browse pane lists the built-in views and personal views, and allows you to access the tree view:
Built-in views provide entry points to browsing for objects in the directory. Personal views are filter or search queries you build and save to use them again at a later time. To see built-in views and personal views, click the Views tab at the top of the Browse Pane.
The tree view helps you browse for directory objects by using the directory tree to navigate through the hierarchical structure of containers. To see the tree view, click the Tree tab at the top of the Browse Pane.
When you select a container or view in the Browse pane, you will see a list of objects. If you select a container, the list includes the objects held in that container. If you select a view, the list includes the objects that match the view settings. It is also possible to customize the list by sorting and filtering, and by adding or removing list columns.
You can select objects from the list and apply commands to the selected object or objects. When you click the name of a container object, such as a domain or an Organizational Unit, the list changes to display the objects held in that container, thereby enabling you to browse through containers in the directory.
The Toolbar contains a number of controls allowing you to manage the current list of objects:
To save the current list as a personal view, add or remove list columns, or export the list to a text file, click the Menu button on the left side of the Toolbar.
To filter the list, enter filtering terms in the Filter field, then click the button next to the field.
To configure filtering criteria based on object properties, click the Expand/Collapse button on the right side of the Toolbar. To have the list include only the objects that match your filtering criteria, click the button next to the Filter field.
The area above the Toolbar displays the name of the current container, the container that holds the objects shown in the list, and identifies the hierarchical path to the current container in the directory. To view a list of objects held in the container, click its name in the path.