A custom platform script identifies the platform's commands and associated details. Scripts are written in JSON. Scripts include metadata, parameters, function blocks, operations, and if/then constructs to authenticate to the platform and perform password or SSH key validation and reset. The custom platform script is uploaded when adding the custom platform.

An Asset Administrator can create an asset and accept default values in the associated custom script. If you later upload a new version of the custom platform script with different defaults, the asset defaults are not changed.

A delegated administrator cannot create a custom platform script.

Sample scripts

Sample custom platform scripts and command details are available at the following links available from the on GitHub:

CAUTION: Example scripts are provided for information only. Updates, error checking, and testing are required before using them in production. SPP checks to ensure the values match the type of the property that include a string, boolean, integer, or password (which is called secret in the API scripts). SPP cannot check the validity or system impact of values entered for custom platforms.

During development, check your JSON using a validator.