• Message
The different facility values used are:
16 = LocalUse0,
17 = LocalUse1,
18 = LocalUse2,
19 = LocalUse3,
20 = LocalUse4,
21 = LocalUse5,
22 = LocalUse6,
23 = LocalUse7,
The different severity values used are:
0 = Emergency, // : system is unusable
1 = Alert, // : action must be taken immediately
2 = Critical, // : critical conditions
3 = Error, // : error conditions
4 = Warning, // : warning conditions
5 = Notice, // : normal but significant condition
6 = Informational, // : informational messages
7 = Debug, // : debug-level messages
Timestamp : The timestamp is the local time (in MMM DD HH:MM:SS format) of the server when the message was generated.
Hostname : Hostname of the server from which the message was generated.
Message : This is the text of the syslog message, along with DEFDSS: in it to uniquely identify the messages of Defender.