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Starling Connect Notification sur les produits

Product Release

These release notes provide information about the 28 July 2022 Starling Connect release. Please refer to the release notes for details on current and previous enhancements, new features and resolved issues.

The following is a list of new features in this release of Starling Connect:

SuccessfactorsHR connector enhancements.

WorkdayHR connector enhancements

The following is a list of Connector Enhancements implemented in this release of Starling Connect:

SuccessfactorsHR -  The PerPersonal endpoint is enhanced to return the FutureDated PerPersonal.

SuccessfactorsHR -  The Positions endpoint is enhanced to return the FutureDated Positions.

WorkdayHR - The Positions endpoint now supports a new Get_Positions endpoint

WorkdayHR - The connector now supports Included_In_Organization_Reference attribute in CustomOrgs Endpoint.

WorkdayHR - The connector now supports "ISO_3166-2_Code“ and "ISO_3166-2_Country-Region_Code“ attributes in Locations endpoint.