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One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions Notification sur les produits

Product Release

One Identity is excited to announce a new version of Safeguard for Privileged Sessions is now available.

Look what's new in 7.5.x:

  • Single web UI session per user
    • To improve security, SPS does not allow parallel logins to the web UI for the same user. If a user logs in from a different browser or a different computer, SPS immediately invalidates the previous session.
  • New indexer status page view
    • You can monitor the status of your indexer services in a summarized view on the new Indexer Status page of the Main Menu, or switch to a more detailed view on the classic view of the page.
    • For more information, see Monitoring the status of the indexer services and Monitoring the status of the indexer services in classic view in the Administration Guide. 
  • See the  Release Notes  for details on enhancements, corrections and improvements. 

Versions 6.14.x and 7.4.x are in limited support and scheduled to be discontinued on August 1, 2024 and October 11, 2024 respectively.

Version 7.0.x  is scheduled to go into limited support on August 15, 2024 and discontinued support on August 15, 2025.

To determine the current support phase of your product, please refer to the One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions Life Cycle table.




As a valued One Identity Safeguard customer, your experience is extremely important to us. We would love to get your feedback on Safeguard in an anonymous survey that will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Your feedback will allow us to: 

  • Understand how you use the product today
  • Gather key requirements for future versions of this product

All data collected will be used for the sole purpose of improving Safeguard, informing ongoing product investments We sincerely appreciate your valuable input and time to complete this survey.