Asset number |
Number of the asset in the bookkeeping. |
Device ID |
Unique device ID. |
PC |
Specifies whether the hardware is a computer. |
Server |
Specifies whether the hardware is a server. |
Local periphery |
Specifies whether this is a local periphery, for example, monitor, printer, or other periphery device. |
Manufacturer |
Name of manufacturer. |
Device model |
Name of the device model. The master data available depends on the selected device model. |
Device status |
Device's status. |
Workdesk |
The device's workdesk. This workdesk is used to assign various devices to a workstation or a server.
If the “Hardware | Workdesk | WorkdeskAuto” configuration parameter is activated, a workdesk bearing the same name is automatically created when a workstation or a server is set up. |
Parent device |
A parent device which is linked to this device. |
VM Client (option) |
Specifies whether this device is a virtual machine. |
VM Host |
Device on which a virtual machine is installed. The selection is shared if the VM client is set. |
VM Host (option) |
Specifies whether this hardware is host for a virtual machine. |
Phone |
Telephone number. |
Used by |
Employee who uses this device. |
Primary department |
Department to which the device is primary assigned. Company resources can be inherited by a device through these primary assignments if One Identity Manager is appropriately configured. |
Primary location |
Location to which the device is primary assigned. Company resources can be inherited by a device through these primary assignments if One Identity Manager is appropriately configured. |
Primary cost center |
Cost center to which the device is primary assigned. Company resources can be inherited by a device through these primary assignments if One Identity Manager is appropriately configured. |
Primary business roles |
Business role to which the device is assigned. Company resources can be inherited by a device through these primary assignments if One Identity Manager is appropriately configured.
NOTE: This property is available if the Business Roles Module is installed. |
Investment |
Investments or investment plans for the device. |
Location description |
Text field for additional explanation. |
Description |
Text field for additional explanation. |
Remarks |
Text field for additional explanation. |
No inheritance |
Specifies whether the device inherits company resources through roles. If this option is set, the employee cannot inherit. Direct assignments remain intact. |
Operating system |
Operating system identifier. |
Operating system version |
Version number of the operating system. |
Service pack operating system |
Service pack identifier. |
Hotfix operating system |
Hotfix identifier. |
Carrier |
Carrier contract for the device. |
Serial number |
Manufacturer's serial number. |
MAC address |
The device's MAC address. |
The device's IMEI number. |
The device's ICCID number. |
BIOS version |
Version of the BIOS. |
Number of processors |
Number of processors in the device. |
RAM [MB] |
RAM in megabytes. |
1. capacity [MB] |
Capacity of the first disk in megabytes |
2. capacity [MB] |
Capacity of the second disk in megabytes |
Max. vertical resolution |
Maximum vertical image resolution. |
Max. horizontal resolution |
Maximum horizontal image resolution. |
Import data source |
Target system or data source, from which the data set was imported. |
Spare field no. 01 ... Spare field no. 10 |
Additional company-specific information. Use the Designer to customize display names, formats, and templates for the input fields. |