By preconfiguring this connector that you can select in the system connection wizard, the required schema configuration is already set up. If, in exceptional cases, it becomes necessary to make changes you can use the system connection wizard to configure schema types, schema properties, and methods.
IMPORTANT: Changes to the schema configuration should only be carried out by experienced Synchronization Editor users and system administrators.
NOTE: To make advanced settings, on the start page of the system connection wizard, set the Configure advanced settings option.
On the Connector schema configuration page, a hierarchical meta schema is displayed showing the schema types that will be created. You can add, edit, or delete schema classes, schema properties, and methods. The information displayed is similar to the information in the Synchronization Editor.
Use these setting to:
Specify which schema property is used for revision filtering.
Specify which schema property is used to uniquely identify an object.
Define virtual schema types if necessary.
Implementation types
NOTE: Global settings for implementing read and write access are stored in the Schema entry on the Connector schema configuration.
Implementation |
Meaning |
Query implementation |
Implementation used for calling up entries from the LDAP server. The DefaultQueryStrategy implementation uses the configured LDAP connection to call up entries. |
Type resolution implementation |
The implementation that inspects LDAP entries returned by LDAP servers to determine and assign the connector schema type for the resulting connector object. This option can only be changed in the through the user with the Request & Fulfillment | | Administrators application role. |
Read access implementation |
Implementation converts a schema property’s values based on an LDAP entry. |
Reference handling |
Implementation for creating or resolving reference values of an LDAP entry’s schema property. A reference in LDAP is usually a property pointing to another entry through a distinguished name. |
Commit implementation |
The implementation to be used when entries are saved by the connector to the LDAP server. The DefaultCommitStrategy implementation calls the methods Insert, Update, or Delete depending on the state of the object. |
Insert method implementation |
Implementation to use for the schema types' Insert method. The DefaultInsertMethodStrategy implementation will send add requests to the LDAP server to publish new entries. |
Update method implementation |
Implementation to use for the schema types' Update method. The DefaultUpdateMethodStrategy implementation sends modify and modifydn requests to the LDAP server to publish changes to existing entries. |
Implementation for delete method |
Implementation to use for the schema types' Delete method. The DefaultDeleteMethodStrategy implementation sends delete requests to the LDAP server to delete existing entries. |
Schema property handler
Handler |
Meaning |
DNBackLinkPropertyHandler |
Backlink handler. This handler resolves backlinks between schema properties. Example: This handler is configured for the group’s Member schema property. The MemberOf schema property is selected as Backlink property. If a user account is assigned to a group, the user account is entered in the in the target system in the group’s Member schema property. The handler determines the referenced object, in this case, the user account and enters the group reference in the MemberOf schema property. |
MirrorPropertyHandler |
Mirror property handler This handler transfers values and changes of a schema property, for which the handler is defined, to the schema property given under Mirror property. Example: This handler is configured for the group’s Member schema property. The equivalentToMe schema property is selected as Mirror property. If a user account is assigned to a group, the user account is entered in the in the target system in the group’s Member schema property. This is also added to the equivalentToMe schema property. |
RdnPropertyHandler |
This handler handles the vrtEntryRDN virtual schema property. The vrtEntryRDN schema property represents the relative distinguished names of the entry. The distinguished name is made up of one or more pairs of attribute name and attribute value combined, with the syntax <attribute name>=<attribute value>[+<attribute name>=<attribute value>] Examples: CN=Pat Identity1 OU=Sales CN=Jo User1+UID=char The handler ensures that when the vrtEntryRDN is set, the matching referenced property of the LDAP entry is set the same. Example: If the vrtEntryRDN has the value CN=Pat Identity1, the CN property is set to Pat Identity1. If the vrtEntryRDN has the value OU=Sales, the OU property is set to Sales. If the vrtEntryRDN has the value CN=Jo User1+UID=char, the CN property is set to Jo User1UID and the UID is given the value char. |
DefaultValueModificationHandler |
This handler ensures that there is always at least one defined default value is written to a schema property. This can currently be free text or the distinguished name of the object that the value is defined on, such as a group. A CheckForDefaultValueAction operation is queued at the start and when changes are made to the schema property that was assigned to the handler. The handler ensure the following behavior:
To edit a schema type
In the system connection wizard on the Connector schema configuration page, select the schema type in the Schema pane.
On the right-side of the view, you can see the schema type’s properties.
To add a simple virtual schema type
In the system connection wizard on the Connector schema configuration page, select the schema type in the Schema pane and click
Edit the schema type properties.
To create a virtual schema type from several schema classes
In the system connection wizard on the Connector schema configuration page, in the Schema pane, select the schema classes to be combined using Ctrl + select and click
Edit the schema type properties.
To delete a virtual schema type
In the system connection wizard on the Connector schema configuration page, select the schema type in the Schema pane and click
To edit a method
In the system connection wizard on the Connector schema configuration page, select the schema type in the Schema pane.
In Methods, select the method.
On the right-side of the view, you can see the method’s properties.
To add a method
In the system connection wizard on the Connector schema configuration page, select the schema type in the Schema pane.
Select the Methods item and click
- Edit the method's properties.
To delete a method
In the system connection wizard on the Connector schema configuration page, select the schema type in the Schema pane.
Select the method in the Methods list and click
To edit a schema property
In the system connection wizard on the Connector schema configuration page, select the schema type in the Schema pane.
Select the schema property in the Properties list.
On the right-side of the view, you can see the schema property’s attributes.
To add a virtual schema property
In the system connection wizard on the Connector schema configuration page, select the schema type in the Schema pane.
Select the Properties item and click
- Edit the schema property details.
To delete a virtual schema property
In the system connection wizard on the Connector schema configuration page, select the schema type in the Schema pane.
Select the schema property in the Properties list and click