You can configure the warning threshold of attestation policy objects to attest. If an attestation policy attests more than the objects specified here, a warning is shown.
Required configuration keys:
Warning threshold for affected objects (PolicyObjectCountThreshold): Specifies the warning threshold for objects to be attested in an attestation policy.
To configure the warning threshold for objects to attest
Log in to the Administration Portal (see Logging in to the Administration Portal).
In the navigation, click Configuration.
On the Configuration page, in the Show configuration for the following API project drop-down, select the Web Portal API project.
Expand the Warning threshold for affected objects configuration key.
In the Value field, enter how many objects can be attested before a warning is shown.
Click Apply.
Perform one of the following actions:
If you want to apply the changes locally only, click Apply locally.
If you want to apply the changes globally, click Apply globally.
Click Apply.