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Starling Cloud Assistant Hosted - User Guide

Starling Cloud Assistant

Detailed information about this topic

Introduction to Starling Cloud Assistant

Accessible from the Starling site (, Starling Cloud Assistant is a messaging service that allows you to both view and respond to messages from on-premises One Identity products (that have been joined to your Starling organization) in an external channel (for example, Microsoft Teams).

IMPORTANT: In order to use Starling Cloud Assistant you need a Starling organization and account within either the United States or European Union data center. For more information on Starling organizations, see the Starling documentation.

IMPORTANT: In order to use Starling Cloud Assistant some additional software and hardware requirements may be required. These requirements are specific to the external channel you are connecting with. For more information, see Available channels.

NOTE: To view the documentation or contact support while using Starling Cloud Assistant, click the button.

Supported browsers

The following browsers are supported when accessing the Starling service.

Table 1: Supported desktop browsers


Minimum OS/Platform


Google Chrome

Windows 10

Mac OS X Yosemite


Mozilla Firefox

Windows 10


Microsoft Edge

Windows 10



Mac OS X Yosemite

See OS/Platform

Table 2: Supported mobile browsers


Minimum OS/Platform


Google Chrome






Navigating Starling Cloud Assistant using a mobile device

NOTE: Not all services available through Starling may be compatible with mobile devices. Refer to any additional documentation specific to each service for information.

Along with the main Starling portal, Starling Cloud Assistant is compatible with mobile devices. Use the button at the top of your screen to display the navigation bar options and account information. Also, be aware that due to space constraints some tables may be condensed when viewed in portrait mode to only display key columns and some features may not be available.

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Documents connexes
Starling Cloud Assistant - Hosted
Release Notes
User Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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