It is possible to rebuild this configuration by breaking replication, promoting one of the subscribers, clearing the Active Roles configuration and configuring blank databases, and then rejoining the replication. See step by step recommended procedure below:
1.- Break Active Roles Replication - Estimation time is fairly quick to complete:
1.1.- Take back up of databases (Publisher and Subscriber DBs).
1.2.- Remove the subscriber databases via the Active Roles Console:
1.2.1.- Right-click the console tree root, click Connect, and then select the Administration Service that uses the Subscriber SQL Server.
1.2.2.- In the console tree, expand Configuration | Server Configuration and select Configuration Databases
1.2.3.- In the details pane, right-click the Subscriber and select All Tasks | Advanced Properties
1.2.4.- In the Advanced Properties window, select both the Show all possible attributes and Include attributes with empty values check boxes.
1.2.5.- In the list of attributes, double-click the attribute edsvaReplicationForceStandalone.
1.2.6.- In the Edit Attribute window, type TRUE in the Value box. Click OK.
1.2.7.- In the Advanced Properties window, click OK.
Note 2: If this procedure to remove the Subscribers via the Active Roles Console does not work, please remove the subscribers natively in SQL. See doc attached "Remove Subscribers via SQL".
Important: SQL issues are out of the scope of One Identity Support. Please ensure you follow any changes in SQL with a DBA, and raise a case with Microsoft if you face any issues.
1.3.- Demote the Publisher DB via the Active Roles Console.
Note: If this procedure to demote the Publisher DB via the Active Roles Console does not work, then please remove the Publisher natively in SQL. See doc attached "Remove Publisher via SQL".
Important: SQL issues are out of the scope of One Identity Support. Please ensure you follow any changes in SQL with a DBA, and raise a case with Microsoft if you face any issues.
2.- Re-establish Active Roles Replication - Estimation time is fairly quick to complete:
2.1.- Promote one of the Subscriber to Publisher via the Active Roles Console.
2.2.- Add the other Subscriber.
3.- Clear the configuration and reconfigure affected ARS instance - Estimation time 30 minutes:
3.1.- Stop Active Roles Service.
3.2.- Close the Active Roles Configuration Center.
3.3.- Open the Windows Registry and browse to the following location
3.3.1.- Access the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\One Identity\Active Roles\Configuration\Service
3.3.2.- Set the Configured registry key to 0
3.3.3.- Open the Active Roles Configuration Center and reconfigure Active Roles creating a new blank database preferably with a new database name.
4.- Join new Active Roles instance to the Replication as a Subscriber - This might take up to several days, depending on the database size and the environment:
4.1.- Add the new instance as a subscriber.
4.2.- Allow time for initial replication to complete before using the new service.
Note: As a best practice we recommend to host SQL databases and the Active Roles Administration Service on different servers.