1. Click on Application folder
2. Click on Utilities
3. Click on Terminal.app
In the terminal window type the following commands:
Please do the following as root:
log erase -all
/opt/quest/bin/vastool configure vas vas_macos dslog-components all
/opt/quest/bin/vastool configure vas vas_macos dslog-mode syslog
/opt/quest/bin/vastool configure vas vas_macos dslog-requests true
/opt/quest/bin/vastool configure vas vas_macos dslog-traces true
odutil set log debug
After you duplicate the issue and are ready to send in the logs, run the following command:
log show --debug --info --predicate 'subsystem in {"com.oneidentity.as", "com.apple.opendirectoryd"}' --style syslog | tee vasd.log
Then send in the vasd.log file.
Afterwards, to turn off vasd debug, run the following command:
/opt/quest/libexec/vas/macos/enable_vas_debug.sh off