The Kiosk is available via Serial port:
The serial(DB9) port on the appliance is male
A 6-foot DB9F to DB9F null serial cable is included with Safeguard.
If lost, purchase a replacement
- a USB-Serial(Female) null cable, or
- a USB-Serial(Male) cable with a null(Female-Female) converter.
Note: The Orange DB9 (Female-Female) gender changer (converter) will be required. A yellow colored converter cannot be used.
If the laptop being used does not have a serial port, a USB serial cable to RS232 DB9M needs to be purchased. Known working cables are the Hawking Technology HUC232S or the Ugreen USB to RS232.
The USB-Serial cable may come packaged with a driver disk, you may need to install this driver.
To connect
1. Verify the COM port settings in Windows Device Manager | Ports (COM & LPT) | Select the COM port | Port Settings match the following:
- Speed: 115200
- Data bits: 8
- Parity: None
- Stop bits: 1
2. Connect using Putty. Select "Serial" as the Connection type, ensuring the serial line is set to the correct COM port, and the speed is 115200
3. After connecting send press CTRL-D and CTRL-R several times . If there is still no output, shut down then power up the machine while connected to the serial port and watch for boot up output. Holding the red x button for 4 seconds will result in a safe shutdown. When the machine bots up, the BIOS screen output and boot output will be shown.
DO NOT press and hold the red button for more than 4 seconds.DO NOT press and hold the red button until the machine shuts off. To turn on, press and immediately release the green button.