The pmhostlicense shows registered licensed host information. Here is the pmhostlicense man page for details on the options for the command.
pmhostlicense - show registered and licensed host information
pmhostlicense [ -l | -d | -p | -r | -s | -u | -v [ -f ] [ -h <host> ] [ -i <regdata> ]
The pmhostlicense program displays the host registration and license information on a QPM4U master.
During the registration process, information about each QPM4U host configuration is forwarded to the master. The pmhostlicense program allows
you to view this information.
Each agent registers identifies itself using its fully qualified hostname, and a registration data string, generated from data on the agent. The
registration information includes the list of IP addresses configured on the agent.
If your master uses a host-based license, then a QPM4U session will only be accepted if it originates from an IP address registered for a host
that has been granted a license.
If your master uses a host-based license, then the pmhostlicense program allows you to grant or revoke a license for one or more registered
hosts, and view the hosts currently licensed on a master host.
-r Print a summary of the registered host information to stdout. This list shows all hosts that have successfully registered with the QPM4U
master, but have not yet been granted a license. If you do not have a host-based license, then this list contains all registered hosts.
If used with the -f option, then full registration details of each host are displayed.
-s Print a summary of the licensed host information to stdout. This list shows all hosts that have been granted a license on the master.
This information is only available if a host-based license has been installed and enabled on your master. If used with the -f option,
then full details of each host are displayed, including the latest contact times for each IP address registered for the host.
-l Grant a license to a registered host.
-u Revoke a license for a licensed host.
-p If you have been issued with a clustered license, then this option can be used to report information about each master in the cluster. By
default a short summary of the current status of each master is displayed, to indicate how many of the masters in the cluster are ready
to participate in the cluster. If used with the -f option, then full details of the license information and current load for each master
are displayed. If you do not have a clustered license, then only the local hostâs details are displayed.
-d Deregister a host (revoking the license and removing the host from the registration list).
-h Specify the required hosts as a regular expression, e.g.
match only the host
-h ^$
match any hostname beginning with abc:
-h ^abc
match any hostname containing abc:
-h abc
-i Specify the registration data as a regular expression, e.g.
match only hosts with registration data matching abcdefg exactly:
-h ^abcdefg$
match only hosts with registration data beginning with abc:
-h ^abc
match only hosts with registration data containing abc:
-h abc
-v Display the version number of the pmhostlicense program and exit.
QPM4U configuration file
file containing QPM4U communication parameters
pminfo(8), pmlicense(8), pmmasterd(8) pmlsync(8)
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