To check if the odmodule is configured you can use the following steps:
# cd /Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/Configurations
# plutil -convert xml1 Search.plist
# grep VAS Search.plist
If you find the following line then odmodule is configured for QAS:
1. Boot the system into single user mode.
2. Mount the filesystem as read/write.
# mount –uw /
3. Change directory to /Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/Configurations
4. Convert the Search.plist to xml:
# plutil -convert xml1 Search.plist
5. Open the file with VI and remove the line with /VAS from the file.
6. Reboot.
If Workaround 1 does not work then try the following:
1. Boot the system into single user mode.
2. Mount the filesystem as read/write.
# mount –uw /
3. Start the following services:
# launchctl load
# launchctl load
4. Unconfigure the Authentication Services module with this command:
# /opt/quest/bin/vastool unconfigure odmodule
5. Reboot.