After upgrading to QAS 4.x, DB2 connect to the datbase fails after upgrading to QAS 4.x. The user's shell are set to /bin/false. This worked on the QAS 3.x.
Product function change in QAS 4.x. In 4.x a lot of the back-end work was consolidated from the pam and lam modules
/opt/quest/bin/vastool configure vas vas_auth allow-disabled-shell true
In 4.0 the following setting needs to be set:
allow-disabled-shell = <true | false>
Default value: false
Controls whether or not "Unix Disabled" users (users whose shells are set to "/bin/false"), are allowed to access to a given host through
services that do not execute a shell.
Having the shell set to /bin/false, of course, implies that login services that provide shells will NOT allow access to the host. Because of
this, this option more directly deals with applications such as FTP that do not execute a shell, yet still provide some access to a host. This
setting also affects access to OS X systems through the login window which doesn't check a user's unix shell before providing system access.
If allow-disabled-shell is set to true, applications like FTP (which do not provide shell access) WILL grant access to users even if they are
have their shells set to "/bin/false". If allow-disabled-shell is set to false, no application will grant access to a user whose shell is set
to "/bin/false". This includes applications that do not grant shell access such as FTP.
allow-disabled-shell = true
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