Creating the functional account:
Create a new account on the AS/400 called funcacct and assign it a password. Grant funcacct privileges required to use chgusrprf on other profiles.
Setting up the AS/400 on TPAM:
Configure the new system in PAR as would be done for any system, selecting AS/400 as the platform. Specify the functional account used and the password assigned.
Requirements for PAR:
Testing System/Checking Password:
- Telnet access to the AS/400 with a 3270 or 5250 emulator.
- No special characters needed to be pressed other than carriage return on login. Pressing enter after initial login is acceptable.
- SYSTEM: is present on the screen following a successful login. (This is usually in the upper right hand corner)
Changing Password:
- The functional account has the required privileges to use chgusrprf from the command prompt.
- The result message for a successful change displays at the very least the following on screen:
- USER PROFILE <managed_account> CHANGE
Auto-logon PSM:
- To allow the eGP to autologon to AS/400 sessions, the Remote sign-on control - QRMTSIGN value cannot be set to Forced Signon (*FRCSIGNON.) Setting the value to Verify (*VERIFY) will allow auto-logon to occur.