Manually managed accounts in TPAM will continue to get email to reset their account even after changing the password and saving the changes. The timestamp for 'Next Change Date' will not update. The new password was manually entered in the password fields on the 'Details' tab rather than via the 'Reset Password' button.
In TPAM versions 2.5.919 and below, if the password used to reset that account in TPAM does not meet the minimum requirements of the TPAM Password Rule associated with that account, no warning is shown and the next change timestamp will not change. Email notifications will continue to be sent.
This can happen if the TPAM user manually updates the password fields for a Manually Managed Password rather than using the 'Reset Password' button to generate a new password using the configured Password Rule.
WORKAROUND: Ensure the password used meets the requirements of the Password Rule.
The purpose of the Password Rule is to govern the construction requirements for new passwords generated by PPM.
The Password Rule should match the Password requirements on the managed system. This would make it impossible for a user to enter a password on the managed system and verify it as updated using the 'Update Successful' button within TPAM.
STATUS: In TPAM 2.5.920 this has been addressed via BFER 6901 and a warning will be presented if the password entered does not match the Password Rule in place. From the 2.5.920 Release Notes "Enhancement" section:
"If a password is entered for a manually managed account that does not match the assigned password rule a warning message will appear." BFER 6901
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