Pre-Requisite: Add Registry key in the Registry Editor for UnJoin Starling in the following path. Computer >> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> Software >> One Identity >> Password Manager.
Scenario 1: Active Starling subscription and the client is Joined to Starling subscription
- Starling subscription is active and the client has been joined to Starling.
- Update Registry key UnJoin Starling by setting the value to true.
- Login to PMAdmin Site. Navigate to One Identity Starling >> UnJoin Starling. Starling has to be unjoined.
Scenario 2: Organization is Deleted from the Starling 2FA page.
- PM Server is active and has been joined to active Starling subscription.
- Login to Starling 2FA site and delete the organization.
- Update Registry key UnJoin Starling by setting the value to true.
- Login to PMAdmin Site. Navigate to One Identity Starling >> UnJoin Starling. Starling has to be unjoined.
Scenario 3: Unable to connect to Starling during Unjoin (Starling Service down/No Internet/Offline customer).
- PM Server is active and had been joined to active Starling subscription earlier.
- Make sure the PM Server computer is offline/with no internet connectivity.
- Update Registry key UnJoin Starling by setting the value to true.
- Login to PMAdmin Site. Navigate to One Identity Starling >> UnJoin Starling.
- Error message is displayed on the page (System error occurred) and log is generated in the windows event viewer (Error occurred while sending the request).
- Connect to Internet.
- Login to PMAdmin Site. Navigate to One Identity Starling >> UnJoin Starling. Starling has to be unjoined.
Scenario 4: Migration from lower versions of PM to 5.7.1/5.8.2 and Starling Subscription is entered.
- PM Server is active and Starling subscription information is saved.
- Navigate within PMAdmin >> General Settings >> Starling Two Factor, Starling Subscription Key, Email Address and the Phone Number used during Starling account creation is entered.
- Navigate to General Settings >> Import/Export Data. Export the data and copy the password.
- Migrate to the latest version of PM (5.7.1/5.8.2)
- Navigate to General Settings >> Import/Export Data. import the data by entering the saved password earlier.
- Navigate to One Identity Starling >> Join Starling.
- Update Registry key UnJoin Starling by setting the value to true.
- Login to PMAdmin Site. Navigate to One Identity Starling >> UnJoin Starling. Starling has to be unjoined.
Scenario 5: Starling subscription is expired.
- PM Server is active and had been joined to active Starling subscription earlier.
- Starling subscription has been expired.
- Update Registry key UnJoin Starling by setting the value to true.
- Login to PMAdmin Site. Navigate to One Identity Starling >> UnJoin Starling. Starling has to be unjoined.
See screenshot attached