All users are subscribed to the following email notifications; however, users will not receive email notifications unless they have been included in a policy as a requester (user), approver, or reviewer.
- Access Request Approved
- Access Request Denied
- Access Request Expired
- Access Request Pending Approval
- Access Request Revoked
- Password was Changed
- SSH key was Changed
- Review Needed
Toast notifications may also appear on your console when the desktop client application is not the active foreground application.
List of Administrative Alerts (varies based on permission assigned)
Appliance Healthy
Appliance Restarted
Appliance Sick
Appliance Task Failed
Archive Task Failed
Cluster Failover Started
Cluster Replica Enrollment Completed
Cluster Replica Removal Started
Cluster Reset Started
Disk Usage Warning
Factory Reset Appliance
License Expired
License Expiring Soon
NTP Error Detected
Operational Mode Appliance
Raid Error Detected
Reboot Appliance
Shutdown Appliance
Account Discovery Failed
Dependent Asset Update Failed
Password Change Failed
Password Check Failed
Password Check Mismatch
Password Reset Needed
Restore Account Failed
Service Discovery Failed
SSH Check Mismatch
SSH Host Key Mismatch
SSH Key Change Failed
SSH Key Check Failed
SSH Key Discovery Failed
SSH Key Install Failed
SSH Key Reset Needed
SSH Key Was Reset
Suspend Account Failed
Test Connection Failed
Policy Expiration Warning
Policy Expired
Entitlement Expiration Warning
Entitlement Expired