Run this script on a machine where Active Directory PowerShell is installed, under the security context of a Domain Administrator:
$domainDN = "DC=domain,DC=local" #Change this to match the Domain DN of the environment where the script will be run
forEach($object in (Get-ADObject -SearchBase $domainDN -Filter {(objectClass -eq "msDS-AppData") -AND (name -eq 'PasswordManager')} -Properties distinguishedName,nTSecurityDescriptor | ?{ $_.nTSecurityDescriptor.AreAccessRulesProtected -eq "True" }))
$object.nTSecurityDescriptor.SetAccessRuleProtection($FALSE, $TRUE)
Set-ADObject $object -Replace @{ntSecurityDescriptor = $object.ntSecurityDescriptor}
Running this script once will enable inheritance for all of these Password Manager leaf objects currently in the environment. These objects are periodically refreshed, so this script must be run regularly in a Windows Scheduled Task.