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License files with a mix of "Users" and "Managed Persons" do not display properly in the PMAdmin Licensing tab
When adding a license file into Password Manager, if the license file contains a mix of Users and Managed Persons, the Users will not be displayed on the Licensing tab within the PMAdmin site.
This issue has been confirmed to be a product defect and is being tracked as Defect ID 85549.
None. This is a display-issue only and does not affect product functionality.
Waiting for a fix in a future release of Password Manager.
Your Request will be reviewed by our technical reviewer team and, if approved, will be added as a Topic in our Knowledgebase.
Recommended Content
Password Manager
5.9.7, 5.9.6, 5.9.5, 5.9.3
Article History:
Created on: 12/23/2021 Last Update on: 5/7/2023
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Your Request will be reviewed by our technical reviewer team and, if approved, will be added as a Topic in our Knowledgebase.
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