Attempting to run a standard report getting the error "Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0113' Script Timed out
This can also be seen when exporting a full list of accounts from the web interface.
The asp timeout error is a result of too much information in the table being edited before the page times out. If the process takes around 5 minutes or so then it will likely fail.
- BFER 8801 has made improvements to this process and is included in TPAM v2.5.918.
- Use appropriate filters to reduce the amount of data being exported.
- If all accounts are needed, you may configure the Data Extracts under this page
- Here you can configure and schedule the Accounts Data Set to send to the Archive Server.
- You can download the report from the Archive Server.
- The Data Extract can also be run on demand using the start now button if required to generate an up to date file when needed.
To troublehsoot, please try to filter out using a single name and test if this returns.
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