The Safeguard VM requires a Windows 10 LTSC (Long-Term Servicing Channel) 2019 license. This is not supplied by Quest / One Identity.
If validating via KMS
- Validate the VM has access the KMS server port on TCP/1688
- If specifying KMS server by a DNS name, validate the DNS server specified in the Kiosk is correct
- Validate both the VM and KMS server have the correct time & date
- Validate that the KMS server can issue licenses for Windows 10 LTSC 2019. A KB may be needed:
If validating via Product Key
- Ensure the VM has access to the Internet to allow the Product Key used to be verified by Microsoft.
- Ensure a DNS server has been set that can resolve external addresses.
- Ensure the VM has the correct time & date
- Ensure the HTTPS traffic is not being intercepted by a man in the middle (MIMT) HTTPS transparent proxy such as a Sophos UTM, or Fortinet.