SPP Virtual Appliance Microsoft License requirement FAQ
- Does the Virtual Appliance require a Microsoft license?
Yes, in order to be compliant a Microsoft license is required. This applies to customers, partners, trials , POCs etc.
- Is a Microsoft license included when SPP is purchased?
No. you must purchase your own Microsoft license.
- What Microsoft license is required?
A Windows 10 LTSC (Long Term Servicing Channel) license is required. If you do not have a volume license agreement with Microsoft you will need to purchase one of two Microsoft products:
Windows ENT Per Dvc Per Device Upgrade LSA (preferred) or
Virtual Desktop Access E3 Per User Subscriptions
- Can One Identity provide the Microsoft license?
Yes. The Windows OS activation license for SPP VMs can be purchased from One Identity directly by contacting Sales and the Microsoft product key is sent via a mail envelop form.
- If using a Microsoft product key does it need to be activated?
Yes. In the initial setup Kiosk after entering the product key and saving, Safeguard will attempt to access the Microsoft activation servers. Safeguard will need to be able to directly access these servers via internet and access a DNS server to resolve the Microsoft servers. One Identity cannot test or validate the product keys and therefore we cannot provide support on key activation issues.
- Which specific key can be used to install the product?
Support successfully installed using a "Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019" key.
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