How to configure the session lifetime and the number of concurrent threads on Password Manager web servers.
There are two options to manage peak load on Password Manager Web servers: specify the session lifetime and the maximum number of concurrent sessions.
The default session lifetime is 30 minutes. To change this default setting, configure the session lifetime on the computer where the Password Manager Service runs and on the Web server where the Self-Service and Helpdesk sites are installed.
Note: The session lifetime specified on a computer where the Password Manager Service runs must be equal to or greater than the session lifetime specified on a Web server where the Self-Service and Helpdesk sites are installed.
To configure the session lifetime on a computer where the Password Manager Service runs
1. With Notepad or other text editor open the QPM.Service.Host.exe.config file located in the %Password Manager installation directory%\Service folder on a computer where the Password Manager Service runs.
2. Within the two “system.serviceModel/bindings/netTcpBinding/binding” elements (“QPM.Service.Services.UserService.Binding” and “QPM.Service.Services.HelpdeskService.Binding”), set the session lifetime in the format HH:MM:SS. For example, if you want to set the session lifetime to 20 minutes, do the following:
<binding name="QPM.Service.Services.UserService.Binding">
<readerQuotas maxStringContentLength="2147483647"/>
<reliableSession enabled="true" inactivityTimeout="00:20:00"/>
<binding name="QPM.Service.Services.HelpdeskService.Binding">
<readerQuotas maxStringContentLength="2147483647"/>
<reliableSession enabled="true" inactivityTimeout="00:20:00"/>
3. Save and close the QPM.Service.Host.exe.config file.
4. Click Start, and then select Run. Type services.msc, and then press ENTER.
5. In the Services dialog box, right-click Password Manager Service in the services list and click Restart.
To configure the session lifetime on a Web server where the Self-Service and Helpdesk sites are installed
1. With Notepad or other text editor open the Web.config file located in %Password Manager installation folder%\Web\%PasswordManager_SITE%\ on a Web server where the Self-Service or Helpdesk site is installed. Replace %QPM_SITE% with “User” for the Self-Service site and “Helpdesk” for the Helpdesk site.
2. Within the “system.web” element, change the session lifetime (specify the number of minutes).For example, if you want to set the session lifetime to 10 minutes, do the following:
<httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0" />
<sessionState timeout="10" mode="InProc"/>
3. Save and close the Web.config file.
4. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) console.
5. In the console tree, click Application Pools, in the Application Pools list select PMUser if you are modifying settings for the Self-Service site, or PMHelpdesk if you are modifying settings for the Helpdesk site.
6. Right-click the PMUser or PMHelpdesk node and select Stop.
7. Right-click the PMUser or PMHelpdesk node and select Start.
Maximum number of concurrent sessions on the Web server can be configured for the Self-Service site. The default value is 10000 sessions.
To configure the maximum number of sessions on a Web server where the Self-Service site is installed
1. With Notepad or other text editor open the Web.config file located in %Password Manager installation folder%\Web\User\ on a Web server where the Self-Service site is installed.
2. Within the “appSettings” element, change the maximum number of concurrent sessions by modifying the value of the MaxSessionsCount key. For example, if you want to set the maximum number of sessions to 7000, do the following:
<add key="MaxSessionsCount" value="7000"/>
3. Save and close the Web.config file.
4. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) console.
5. In the console tree, click Application Pools, in the Application Pools list select PMUser.
6. Right-click the PMUser node and select Stop.
7. Right-click the PMUser node and select Start.
NOTE: For versions prior to 5.6.1, the sites are QPMUser and QPMHelpdesk. The service name is QPM Service.
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