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Rapid Recovery Product Notification

Discontinued Support

Thank you for your continued use of Quest Rapid Recovery. We wanted to make you aware that Rapid Recovery 6.1.3 will reach end of support on May 22, 2020. After this date, technical support will no longer be available for version 6.1.3.

What you need to do:

Users of Rapid Recovery version 6.1.3 or earlier are encouraged to upgrade to fully supported versions, for which enhancements and defect fixes are considered. Please review your requirements and check all systems for compatibility. Supported versions of our software can be found here.

Other than helping users to upgrade, Quest Data Protection Support is not obligated to assist with discontinued versions. Any issue found with discontinued software is not patched; instead, engineering efforts are focused on supported versions and building new features. If you have a perpetual license, you are welcome to continue using older versions of Rapid Recovery without support.

For more information about versions that are fully supported, limited in support, or discontinued, please refer to the Rapid Recovery life cycle table.

For details on compatibility, please review the latest edition of the Rapid Recovery System Requirements Guide

We are committed to providing you with world class support while handling your ongoing product and services needs. Be sure to check out the Rapid Recovery Product Support page to find solution articles, tips and tricks, tutorials, documentation, notifications, life cycle tables, training, and a product user forum