The following cmdlet should exclude users where edsvaDeprovisionStatus is not 1, however it includes all users, including those with edsvaDeprovisionStatus=1:
Get-QADUser -SizeLimit 0 -IncludedProperties "edsvaDeprovisionStatus" -LdapFilter "(!(edsvaDeprovisionStatus=1))" -Proxy
The Active Roles product team has raised Defect request #472861. This issue will be evaluated and resolved in a future version of Active Roles.
Get-QADUser -SizeLimit 0 -IncludedProperties "edsvaDeprovisionStatus" -LdapFilter "(edsvaDeprovisionStatus=NULL)" -Proxy
Connect-QADService -proxy << Replace with your Server name >>
$root = "Replace with your targeting OU DN or Domain"
foreach($user in (Get-QADUser -SearchRoot $root -IncludedProperties edsvaDeprovisionStatus,edsvaUnDeprovision -SizeLimit 0 -SearchScope OneLevel))
if($user.edsvaDeprovisionStatus -ne 1)
write-host $User
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