To correct this data consistency issue the following resolution steps should be followed.
NOTE: A database backup MUST be performed prior to following these steps.
1. Open "
2. Select "
Database" | "
Check data consistency" from the menu
3. In the "
Test Options" popup, expand "
Configuration" | "
BaseInfo" and check "
Missing columns in DialogColumn (tables)"
4. Click "
OK" to close the pop-up
Figure 4: Test Options pop-up with "Missing columns in DialogColumn (tables)" checked.

5. Right-Click on the "
Database" row at the top, and select "
Figure 5: Data Consistency Tab demonstrating where to Right-Click and select "Verify"

6. In the bottom results an error is listed. Double-clicking on the error opens a popup to show the details of the missing column.
Figure 6: The results of the Consistency Check "Missing columns in DialogColumn (tables)", showing a missing entry in DialogColumn for the column not displayed in Identity Manager applications.

7. Next to the error, a "
Repair" button might be available. Click this button to let Identity Manager attempt to correct the data consistency issue.
8. If the repair is successful, the check will now show a blue icon in the error results.
Figure 7: A successful repair icon is displayed in the consistency check list.

For more information about what the Repair button does, the below SQL query is executed by Designer when the button is clicked.
insert into dialogcolumn (UID_DialogColumn, uid_dialogtable, columnname
, XObjectKey
, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated, XDateInserted, XDateUpdated
, SchemaDataType, SchemaDataLen
select x.UID_DialogColumn, x.UID_DialogTable, x.columnname
, dbo.QBM_FCVElementToObjectKey1('DialogColumn', 'UID_DialogColumn', x.UID_DialogColumn)
, dbo.QBM_FGIDBOwner(), dbo.QBM_FGIDBOwner(), GetUTCDate(), GetUTCDate()
from (
select -- 33849dbo.QBM_FCVStringToGUID(dbo.QBM_FGIDBOwner(), o.COLUMN_NAME + o.TABLE_NAME + dbo.QBM_FGIDBOwner())
dbo.QBM_FGIUID_DialogColumn (o.TABLE_NAME, o.COLUMN_NAME, null)
as UID_DialogColumn,
t.UID_DialogTable, rtrim(left(o.COLUMN_NAME,30)) as columnname
from information_schema.columns o join dialogtable t on t.TableName = o.Table_name
and o.Column_name not in ( N'msrepl_synctran_ts'
, N'msrepl_tran_version'
and not exists (select top 1 1
from dialogcolumn g
where g.UID_DialogTable = t.UID_DialogTable
and g.columnname = o.Column_name
and t.TableType in ('B', 'T')
) as x