While working with Support, a hotfix may be supplied in a "Transport" file.
What are the steps to follow to import this hotfix into an Identity Manager environment?
Support provides some hotfixes via a "Transport" file. The steps below can be used to import them into Identity Manager.
1. The Transport utility can be found within the installation directory, by default this location is:
C:\Program Files\One Identity\One Identity Manager\Transporter.exe
Or via the start menu:
Start | One Identity | Database Transporter
2. Once the Database Transporter is opened, three options are provided. Click on "Import a transport file" to continue.
3. Next, select, or create a new connection to the Identity Manager database, ensuring to use an elevated account such as viadmin or cccadmin.
4. The Transport file will be provided as a compressed ZIP file. When opening the ZIP there is a "FileTransport" folder and "Transport.xml" file.
5. On the next window of in the Database Transporter, select the ZIP file provided. Do NOT extract the ZIP file and try to select the XML, just select the ZIP file in the wizard.
6. The DBQueue will process before allowing the wizard to continue.
7. The Transport will import into the database. This might take a moment.
8. Once the Transport is imported, the DBQueue will process one more time. If needed, the database will compile.
9. The transport is now imported!
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