A language-specific translation file must be named as follows: (two_letter_language_code)-pmlang.ini
NOTE: The en-pmlang.ini file is present in the client folder by default. If no language translation file exists, default English UI text is used. Please see Attachments for the language translation files currently available for download.
Privilege Manager will automatically search for the language translation file corresponding to the language locale setting on a client computer. If no translation file is found, default English client-side text strings are used. A specific language translation file can be used regardless of the Window's local setting with the use of a registry setting.
In addition to checking locally on the client computer for language translation files, the Privilege Manager client will atomically copy down (and overwrite existing, if older) language files found on the NETLOGON share.
NOTE: NETLOGON is checked for updated language files every time a user logs on to a computer. Additionally, Admins can configure the Privilege Manager client to check an alternate location for updated language translation files. This can be done by updating the TranslationFilesFolder value in HKLM\Software\Scriptlogic Corporation\Privilege Authority.
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