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Safeguard Authentication Services 5.0.1 - macOS Administration Guide

Privileged Access Suite for Unix Installation Safeguard Authentication Services macOS components Safeguard Authentication Services client configuration Special macOS features Limitations on macOS Group Policy for macOS Certificate Autoenrollment Glossary

Options tab

The Options settings control macOS server settings. For example, you can choose whether to allow a user to use the App Store. If set to false, a user that attempts to use the app store will receive a message like the following: You don't have permissions to use the App Store.

  1. Select the Manage mode: Never, Once, or Always.
  2. Select the check boxes to enable the features you want to enable.
    • Allow use of Game Center
      • Allow multiplayer gaming
      • Allow adding Game Center friends
      • Allow Game Center account modifications
    • Allow App Store app adoption
    • Allow Safari AutoFill
    • Allow software update notifications
    • Require admin password to install or update apps
    • Restrict App Store to MDM installed apps and software updates

Dock Properties

On macOS, the Dock is similar to a tool bar on other operating systems. In addition to showing which applications are running, the dock provides quick shortcuts to applications, folders and documents as well as system controls. Dock settings allow you to adjust the behavior of the user’s Dock and specify which items appear in it.

You can apply Dock Properties settings under both Computer Configuration and User Configuration.

Dock Items tab

Dock Items tab settings control the applications, files and folders that are displayed on the user's Dock and support the following management modes: Never, Once, Always.

You can insert three types of items into the user's Dock: Applications, Documents and Folders. The Applications list controls which applications are inserted. The Documents and Folders list controls documents and folders that are inserted into the user's Dock. Click Add to select the items to insert in the Dock. You can drag the items within the list to change the order in which they appear on the Dock.

In addition to standard Unix paths, you can specify a network share by using the following syntax:

cifs://<server hostname>/<share name>

Folder paths support two types of macro-expansions. First, the %@ macro expands to the user's Unix name. Additionally, you can expand any active directory attribute using the %<attributename>% macro. For example, to add the user’s network home directory to the dock, specify %homeDirectory%. You can get the value for any user attribute using the %<attributename>% macro. These macros are only supported by user policies; machine policies do not support either of these macro types.

The following options are also supported:

  • Merge with the user's Dock

    Select to merge the specified items into the user's Dock. If you do not select this option, the specified items replace the user's Dock.

  • Add other folders:

    Select to add predefined folders to the user's Dock. Safeguard Authentication Services supports My Applications and Documents.

Dock Display tab

Dock Display tab settings allow you to configure options that affect the visual display of the user's Dock and support the following management modes: Never, Once, Always.

The following options are supported:

  • Dock Size

    Select to control the size of the Dock window on the user's Desktop.

  • Magnification

    Select to control the size of magnification when the mouse cursor hovers over an item on the Dock.

  • Position on screen

    Select this option to control where on the screen the Dock is anchored. Options include Bottom, Left and Right.

  • Minimize Using

    Select to control the visual effect used when applications are minimized to the Dock. Options include Genie and Scaled.

  • Animate opening applications

    Select to animate (bounce) the application icons on the Dock as the application loads.

  • Automatically hide and show the dock

    Select to hide the Dock automatically. When you position the cursor over the Dock it displays itself automatically. Leave this option deselected leave the Dock visible at all times.

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