To compile syslog-ng Open Source Edition (OSE) from the source code, complete the following steps. Alternatively, you can use precompiled binary packages on several platforms. For a list of third-party packages available for various Linux, UNIX, and other platforms, see the Downloads page.
Download the latest version of syslog-ng OSE from GitHub. The source code is available as a tar.gz archive file.
Install the following packages that are required to compile syslog-ng. These packages are available for most UNIX/Linux systems. Alternatively, you can also download the sources and compile them.
A version of the gcc C compiler that properly supports Thread Local Storage (TLS), for example, version 4.5.
The GNU flex lexical analyser generator, available here.
The bison parser generator, available here.
The development files of the glib library, available here.
The development files of the Autoconf Archive package, available here.
The syslog-ng OSE application now uses PCRE-type regular expressions by default. It requires the libpcre library package, available here.
If you want to use the Java-based modules of syslog-ng OSE (for example, the Elasticsearch, HDFS, or Kafka destinations), you must compile syslog-ng OSE with Java support.
Download and install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), 1.7 (or newer).
Install gradle version 2.2.1 or newer.
Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the file, for example:LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/amd64/server:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Note that many platforms have a simplified links for Java libraries. Use the simplified path if available. If you use a startup script to start syslog-ng OSE set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the script as well.
If you are behind an HTTP proxy, create a under the modules/java-modules/ directory. Set the proxy parameters in the file. For details, see The Gradle User Guide.
If you want to post log messages as HTTP requests using the http() destination, install the development files of the libcurl library. This library is not needed if you use the --disable-http compile option. Alternatively, you can use a Java-based implementation of the HTTP destination.
If you want to use the spoof-source function of syslog-ng, install the development files of the libnet library, available here.
If you want to send emails using the smtp() destination, install the development files of the libesmtp library. This library is not needed if you use the --disable-smtp compile option.
If you want to send SNMP traps using the snmp() destination, install the development files of the Net-SNMP library libsnmp-dev. This library is not needed if you use the --disable-snmp compile option.
If you want to use the /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow for TCP access, install the development files of the libwrap (also called TCP-wrappers) library, available here.
Enter the new directory and issue the following commands. (If the ./configure file does not exist, for example, because you cloned the repository from GitHub instead of using a release tarball, execute the ./ command.)
$ ./configure $ make $ make install
Uncompress the syslog-ng archive using the
tar xvfz syslog-ng-x.xx.tar.gz
or the
unzip -c syslog-ng-x.xx.tar.gz | tar xvf -
command. A new directory containing the source code of syslog-ng will be created.
Enter the new directory and issue the following commands:
$ ./configure $ make $ make install
These commands will build syslog-ng using its default options.
NOTE: When using the make command, consider the following:
On Solaris, use gmake (GNU make) instead of make.
To build syslog-ng OSE with less verbose output, use the make V=0 command. This results in shorter, less verbose output, making warnings and other anomalies easier to notice. Note that silent-rules support is only available in recent automake versions.
If needed, use the following options to change how syslog-ng is compiled using the following command syntax:
$ ./configure --compile-time-option-name
NOTE: You can also use --disable options, to explicitly disable a feature and override autodetection. For example, to disable the TCP-wrapper support, use the --disable-tcp-wrapper option. For the list of available compiling options, see Compiling options of syslog-ng OSE.
The default linking mode of syslog-ng is dynamic. This means that syslog-ng might not be able to start up if the /usr directory is on NFS. On platforms where syslog-ng is used as a system logger, the --enable-mixed-linking is preferred. |
When compiling syslog-ng OSE from source, you can use the following compiling options.
--enable-all-modules This option will turn on or off all modules and most features when enabled, unless a feature is explicitly disabled, or not detected automatically. Currently, this means that you must explicitly enable the pacct() source, since it is not detected automatically (all other modules are compiled automatically if the required libraries are available).
This also means that the Sun Streams source is enabled on every platform, not only on Solaris, causing a compile error. Use --enable-all-modules together with --disable-sun-streams.
--disable-http Disable support for the http() destination that is based on libcurl.
--disable-python Disable support for Python-based modules.
--disable-json Disable JSON support. It also disables json-parser, and the format-cim and format-json template functions. Also, it disables JSON support even if the json-c library is installed and detected (see --enable-json).
--disable-smtp Disable SMTP support. By default, SMTP support is enabled if the libesmtp library is detected.
--disable-snmp Disable SNMP support. By default, SNMP support is enabled if the libsnmp-dev library is detected.
--enable-amqp Enable the amqp destination (enabled by default). The source of the RabbitMQ client is included in the source code package of syslog-ng OSE. To use an external client instead, use the --with-librabbitmq-client=system compiling option. For details on using this destination, see amqp: Publishing messages using AMQP.
--enable-debug Include debug information.
--enable-dynamic-linking Compile syslog-ng as a completely dynamic binary. If not specified syslog-ng uses mixed linking (--enable-mixed-linking): it links dynamically to system libraries and statically to everything else.
--enable-geoip Enable GEOIP support, required for the geoip2 template function and the geoip2-parser (enabled automatically if the libmaxminddb library is detected).
--enable-ipv6 Enable IPv6 support.
--enable-java Enable support for Java-based modules. For other requirements, see the description of the Java-based module (for example, Prerequisites) that you want to use.
--enable-java-modules Compile the Gradle projects of every Java module available in modules/java-modules.
--enable-json Enables JSON support (by default, it uses the json-c library included in the source code package of syslog-ng OSE). JSON support is required for json-parser, and the format-cim and format-json template functions.
--enable-linux-caps Enable support for capabilities on Linux. For details, see The syslog-ng manual page.
--enable-mongodb Enable the mongodb destination (enabled by default). To use mongodb(), an external MongoDB client is needed. For further details on using this destination, see mongodb: Storing messages in a MongoDB database.
--enable-pacct Enable using the pacct() driver to collect process-accounting logs on Linux systems.
--enable-python Enable support for Python-based modules.
--enable-redis Enable the redis destination (enabled by default). The source of the libhiredis client (0.11 or newer) must be available. To specify the location of the library, use the --with-libhiredis=<path-to-libhiredis> compiling option. For details on using this destination, see redis: Storing name-value pairs in Redis.
--enable-riemann Enable the riemann destination (enabled by default). The source of the libriemann client must be available. For details on using this destination, see riemann: Monitoring your data with Riemann.
--enable-snmp-dest Enable SNMP support even if not detected (autodetected by default).
--enable-spoof-source Enable spoof_source feature (disabled by default).
--enable-sql Enables the sql() destination (enabled automatically if the libdbi library version 0.9 or newer is installed and detected).
--enable-ssl Enable SSL support, required for encrypted message transfer, as well as template functions that calculate hashes and UUIDs (enabled automatically if the libopenssl library is detected).
--enable-sun-door Enable Sun door support even if not detected (autodetected by default).
--enable-sun-streams Enable Sun STREAMS support even if not detected (autodetected by default).
--enable-systemd Enable systemd support on Linux platforms (autodetected by default) (enabled automatically if the libsystemd-daemon library is detected).
--enable-tcp-wrapper Enable using /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow for TCP access (enabled automatically if the libwrap libraries are detected).
--with-embedded-crypto If this option is set, the crypto library is linked directly into libsyslog-ng: the sources of libsyslog-ng-crypto will be appended to the libsyslog-ng sources, and -crypto is not built.
--with-ivykis Specifies which ivykis implementation to use (default value: internal). The source of ivykis is included in the source code package of syslog-ng OSE and is used by default. To use an external implementation instead, use the --with-ivykis=system compiling option.
--with-libcurl Specifies the path to the libcurl library. For details on using this destination, see http: Posting messages over HTTP without Java.
--with-libhiredis Specifies the path to the libhiredis library (0.11 or newer). For details on using this destination, see redis: Storing name-value pairs in Redis.
--with-librabbitmq-client Specifies which RabbitMQ client to use (default value: internal). The source of the rabbitmq client is included in the source code package of syslog-ng OSE and is used by default. To use an external client instead, use the --with-librabbitmq-client=system compiling option. For details on using this destination, see amqp: Publishing messages using AMQP.
--with-module-dir Specifies a single directory where the syslog-ng OSE Makefile will install the modules.
--module-install-dir Specifies syslog-ng OSE's module installation directory (normally $prefix/lib/syslog-ng). All Java-based SCLs use this option.
--with-module-path Specifies a colon-separated (:) list of directories, where the syslog-ng OSE binary will search for modules.
--with-net-snmp Specifies the path to the libsnmp-dev library, required for the snmp() destination.
--with-python Specifies which Python version to use, for example, --with-python=2.7
--with-timezone-dir Specifies the directory where syslog-ng looks for the timezone files to resolve the time-zone() and local-time-zone() options. If not specified, the /opt/syslog-ng/share/zoneinfo/ and /usr/share/zoneinfo/ directories are checked, respectively. Note that HP-UX uses a unique file format (tztab) to describe the timezone information, but that format is currently not supported in syslog-ng. As a workaround, copy the zoneinfo files from another, non-HP-UX system to the /opt/syslog-ng/share/zoneinfo/ directory of your HP-UX system.
--without-compile-date Removes the compilation date from the binary. For example, as openSUSE checks if recompilation changes the binary to detect if dependent packages need to be rebuilt or not, and including the date changes the binary every time.
If you need to uninstall syslog-ng OSE for some reason, you have the following options:
If you have installed syslog-ng OSE from a .deb package: Execute the dpkg -r syslog-ng command to remove syslog-ng, or the dpkg -P syslog-ng command to remove syslog-ng OSE and the configuration files as well. Note that removing syslog-ng OSE does not restore the syslog daemon used before syslog-ng.
If you have installed syslog-ng OSE from an .rpm package: Execute the rpm -e syslog-ng command to remove syslog-ng OSE. Note that removing syslog-ng OSE does not restore the syslog daemon used before syslog-ng OSE.
If you have compiled syslog-ng OSE from source: Execute the sudo make uninstall command to remove syslog-ng OSE. Note that removing syslog-ng OSE does not restore the syslog daemon used before syslog-ng OSE.
Complete the following steps to configure your Microsoft SQL Server to enable remote logins and accept log messages from syslog-ng.
Start the SQL Server Management Studio application. Select Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > SQL Server Management Studio.
Create a new database.
Figure 5: Creating a new MSSQL database 1.
In the Object Explorer, right-click on the Databases entry and select New Database.
Figure 6: Creating a new MSSQL database 2.
Enter the name of the new database (for example, syslogng) into the Database name field and click OK.
Create a new database user and associate it with the new database.
Figure 7: Creating a new MSSQL user 1.
In the Object Explorer, select Security, right-click on the Logins entry, then select New Login.
Figure 8: Creating a new MSSQL user 2.
Enter a name (for example, syslog-ng) for the user into the Login name field.
Select the SQL Server Authentication option and enter a password for the user.
In the Default database field, select the database created in Step 2 (for example, syslogng).
In the Default language field, select the language of log messages that you want to store in the database, then click OK.
Incorrect language settings may result in the database converting the messages to a different character-encoding format. That way the log messages may become unreadable, causing information loss. |
In the Object Explorer, select Security > Logins, then right-click on the new login created in the previous step, and select Properties.
Figure 9: Associating database with the new user
Select User Mapping. In the Users mapped to this login option, check the line corresponding to the new login (for example, syslogng). In the Database role membership field, check the db_owner and public options.
Figure 10: Associating database with the new user
Enable remote logins for SQL users.
In the Object Explorer right-click on your database server, and select Properties > Security, and set the Server Authentication option to SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
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