AddTokenToUser method
If this operation resulted in the token being assigned, then the AssignedToken.TokenCommonName matches the tokenCommonName parameter. If the token was already assigned to this user, then the AssignedToken.TokenCommonName contains a text message indicating that it was already assigned.
C# syntax
AssignedToken AddTokenToUser(string tokenCommonName, string userCommonName, string tokenSearchBase, string userSearchBase);
- tokenCommonName Common name of the token to be assigned.
- userCommonName Common name of the user to whom the token will be assigned.
- tokenSearchBase Optional parameter to specify base container in which to search for tokens.
- userSearchBase Optional parameter to specify base container in which to search for users.
Return value
If no error occurs, an AssignedToken is returned. In the case of an error, a Fault is generated. The faultCode can be one of the following:
- ArgumentOutOfRange One of the arguments was invalid, further details will be contained in the faultstring.
- UnknownFault Any other error, further details may be included in the faultstring.
GetTokensForUser method
Gets a list of Defender tokens assigned to a user.
C# syntax
TokenList GetTokensForUser(string userCommonName, string userSearchBase);
- userCommonName Common name of the user for whom you want to get a list of assigned tokens.
- userSearchBase Optional parameter to specify base container in which to search for users.
Return value
If no error occurs, a list of TokenList is returned. In the case of an error, a Fault is generated. The faultCode can be one of the following:
- ArgumentOutOfRange One of the arguments was invalid, further details will be contained in the faultstring.
- UnknownFault Any other error, further details may be included in the faultstring.
RemoveAllTokensFromUser method
Unassigns all Defender tokens from a user.
C# syntax
void RemoveAllTokensFromUser(string userCommonName, bool deleteSoftwareToken, string userSearchBase);
- userCommonName Common name of the user whose tokens will be unassigned.
- deleteSoftwareToken If true then Defender Software tokens are removed from the directory as well as being removed from the user.
- userSearchBase Optional parameter to specify base container from which to search for users.
Return value
In the case of an error, a Fault is generated. The faultCode can be one of the following:
- ArgumentOutOfRange One of the arguments was invalid, further details will be contained in the faultstring.
- UnknownFault Any other error, further details may be included in the faultstring.
RemoveDefenderPassword method
Deletes the Defender password for a user or all users in a group. When a user account name is specified, that user's Defender password is deleted. When a group name is specified, the Defender passwords for all users in that group are deleted.
C# syntax
void RemoveDefenderPassword(string userGroupCommonName, string userSearchBase);
- userGroupCommonName Common name of the user or group of users from which the Defender Password will be removed.
- userSearchBase Optional parameter to specify base container from which to search for users.
Return value
In the case of an error a Fault is generated. The faultCode can be one of the following:
- ArgumentOutOfRange One of the arguments was invalid, further details will be contained in the faultstring.
- UnknownFault Any other error, further details may be included in the faultstring.