You can schedule one or more SSH Key Discovery jobs to run automatically against the accounts you have added to SPP (SPP). The SSH keys in the scope of the discovery job may include SSH keys that were previously added (manually) to the SPP partition.

For more information, see Discover SSH Key settings.

When an SSH Key Discovery job runs, the found SSH keys are listed in the Discovered SSH Keys tile in the selected partition. They are also shown in Assets (under the Discovered SSH Keys tab) and in Accounts (under the Discovered SSH Keys tab).

Supported platforms

SSH Key Discovery is supported on the following platforms:

  • Hardware/Custom (A custom script is required to accommodate how keys are handled.)
  • Drac
  • Fortinet
  • Junos
  • PanOs
  • Window OS
  • General Unix style platforms
    • Linux
    • Aix
    • Hpux
    • Solaris
    • F5BigIP
    • FreeBSD
    • MacOS
Properties and toolbar

Go to SSH Key Discovery:

  • web client: Navigate to Asset Management > Discovery > SSH Keys.

Use these toolbar buttons to manage the SSH Key Discovery jobs.

Table 55: SSH Key Discovery: Toolbar
Option Description
New SSH Key Discovery Job

Add an SSH Key Discovery job. For more information, see Adding an SSH Key Discovery job.


Delete the selected SSH Key Discovery job.

View Details

Modify the selected SSH Key Discovery job. You can also double-click a row to open the edit dialog.

Discover SSH Keys

Click this button to open a new window where you can select a single account to run the selected SSH Key Discovery job on.


View the accounts associated with the selected discover SSH key settings by account Name and Asset Name. The Inherited column has a check mark if the assignment is an inherited association via the asset. If not inherited, the accounts have an explicit assignment to a Profile/SSH Key Discovery job. For more information, see About profiles.


Use this button to export the listed data as either a JSON or CSV file. For more information, see Exporting data.


Update the list of SSH Key Discovery jobs.


Enter the character string to be used to search for a match. For more information, see Search box.

SSH Key Discovery jobs display in the grid.

Table 56: SSH Key Discovery: SSH Key Discovery job grid
Name Name of the SSH Key Discovery job.
Created By Indicates the creator of the SSH Key Discovery job.

The partition in which to manage the discovered SSH keys.


Designates when the SSH Key Discovery job runs.


Lists the number of profiles that are configured with this job. Click the link to go to the SSH Key Profiles dialog that lists the Name and Description of the SSH key profiles that are associated with this SSH key discovery job.


Lists the number of accounts that are associated with this SSH key discovery job via profile association. Click the link to view the account Name and parent System Name of this SSH key discovery job.


The description of the SSH Key Discovery job.