Embedding reports in the user interface
In order to display a report in a One Identity Manager administration tool, such as Manager, you need to link in the report as a custom interface form.
In the Manager's info system, you can display reports that you create in the Report Editor as statistics. To do this, you must alter the user interface of the Manager program. The report opens when you double-click on the statistic's header.
To create a user interface form
In the Designer, select the User interface > Forms > User interface forms category.
Select the Edit form task.
Select the Form > Insert menu item.
Edit the interface form's main data.
Take the following cases into account:
Use the VI_Report form definition.
This form definition is configured to display in the graphical user interface and web applications. You only need to set up one interface form for this. Which form template will be used to display the interface form is decided dynamically, depending on usage.
In the form’s configuration data, enter the name of the report to be run and the report parameters in the Properties section.
<DialogSheetDefinition FormatVersion="1.0">
<Property Name="ReportName">ReportName from the DialogReport</Property> table
<Property Name="ReportParameter.Parameter1">value1</Property>
<Property Name="ReportParameter.Parameter1">value</Property>
<DialogSheetDefinition FormatVersion="1.0">
<Property Name="ReportName">CCC_Identity_by_Department</Property>
<Property Name="ReportParameter.UIDDepartment">%XObjectKey%</Property>
To export a report by clicking on it, add the ReportInstantExport and ReportInstantExportFormat properties the form's configuration data. The export format file extensions available are XLSX, DOCX, HTML, and PDF. The default is PDF.
<DialogSheetDefinition FormatVersion="1.0">
<Property Name="ReportName">CCC_Identity_by_Department</Property>
<Property Name="ReportInstantExport">True</Property>
<Property Name="ReportInstantExportFormat">XLSX</Property>
Assign the user interface form to the applications and permissions groups.
(Optional) Assign the user interface form to the object definitions.
(Optional) Assign the user interface form to the menu items.
Related topics
Translating reports
A report can contain several elements that require translating in order to display the report in more than one language.
Database columns used in the report definition.
Translate database columns with the Language Editor in the Designer.
Display name/ReportAlias.
The report's display name used when a report is created as ReportAlias. The display name is entered in the report properties dialog. Translate the given text using the
Text elements on the report form.
Translate the text elements directly in the Report Editor with the Globalization Editor.
NOTE: Translations of default variables that are shown in the Report Designer dictionary under Quest are overridden with values from the One Identity Manager database when reports are generated. If you require custom translations, create your own variables that are placed outside the Quest category in the Report Designer dictionary. These variables can be translated.
To translate all text elements in a report
In the report, select the report list and open it with double-click or with Edit from the context menu.
This opens the report form in the Report Designer.
Start the Globalization Editor.
Click on the
button in the Report Designer toolbar.
- OR -
In the Report Designer’s properties view, select the report from the menu on the Properties tab and use Globalization Strings to open the Globalization Editor.
NOTE: You can only start the Globalization Editor from the Report Designer’s properties view if you have selected Professional. You can change the configuration type later in the edit view using the context menu in the property view.
Ensure that the Auto Localize Report on Run button is set.
This means the report is generated in the current language.
Use Add Culture to enter the language and translate each entry.
To translate single captions
Select the report in the report list and open it with double-click or with Edit from the context menu.
This opens the report form in the Report Designer.
Select the caption on the report form.
Open the dialog using the
in the Report Designer toolbar.
Translate the text and confirm the changes with OK.
Related topics
Generating and exporting reports
You can display reports in programs such as the Manager or the Web Portal and save them there. You can also send reports to specified email addresses using scheduled subscriptions. For example, Web Portal users can configure their own report subscriptions.
You can customize how reports are created and exported with further configuration.
In the Manager, to export a report by clicking on it, create a custom interface form for the report and add the ReportInstantExport and ReportInstantExportFormat properties to the form's configuration data. The export format file extensions available are XLSX, DOCX, HTML, and PDF. The default is PDF.
Related topics
Adding custom tables or columns to the One Identity Manager schema
The object technology implemented in One Identity Manager makes it possible to add customer-specific columns and tables to the existing application data model at the database level. These are, therefore, available at the object level with all corresponding tasks. A custom extension to the system data model is not recommended.
Basic knowledge of the database system's SQL Server in use is a prerequisite for making schema extensions. It is assumed that you understand the concept and the architecture of One Identity Manager.
To implement a custom extension of the One Identity Manager schema, use the Schema Extension program. You can make the following extensions using the Schema Extension:
The Schema Extension program creates the schema extensions in the database and ensures that the necessary extensions are made in the One Identity Manager schema. The basic table definitions and column definitions of the custom tables are entered in the DialogTable, DialogColumn, QBMRelation and DialogValidDynamicRef tables. You must then adjust the properties in the Designer to the desired requirements.
The Designer contains a variety of consistency checks. Run these consistency checks and apply the repair methods after carrying out a schema extension and after making changes to table and column definitions. For more information about checking data consistency, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.
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