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Password Manager 5.14.2 - Administration Guide (AD LDS Edition)

About Password Manager Getting Started Password Manager Architecture
Password Manager Components and Third-Party Solutions Typical Deployment Scenarios Password Manager in a perimeter network Management Policy Overview Password Policy Overview reCAPTCHA Overview User Enrollment Process Overview Questions and Answers Policy Overview Data Replication Phone-Based Authentication Service Overview Configuring Management Policy
Management Policies
Checklist: Configuring Password Manager Understanding Management Policies Adding or cloning a new Management Policy Configuring Access to the Administration Site Configuring Access to the Password Manager Self-Service Site Configuring Access to the Helpdesk Site Configuring Questions and Answers Policy Workflow overview Custom workflows Custom Activities Password Manager Self-Service Site workflows Helpdesk Workflows User Enforcement Rules
General Settings
General Settings Overview Search and Logon Options Import/Export Configuration Settings Outgoing Mail Servers Diagnostic Logging Scheduled Tasks Web Interface Customization Instance Reinitialization Realm Instances AD LDS Instance Connections Extensibility Features RADIUS Two-Factor Authentication Internal Feedback Customizing help link URL Password Manager components and third-party applications Unregistering users from Password Manager Bulk Force Password Reset Fido2 key management Working with Redistributable Secret Management account Email templates
Upgrading Password Manager Password Policies Enable 2FA for Administrators and Enable 2FA for HelpDesk Users Reporting Accounts Used in Password Manager for AD LDS Appendix B: Open Communication Ports for Password Manager for AD LDS Customization Options Overview Third-party contributions Glossary

Outgoing Mail Servers

You can configure one or more outgoing mail servers to send email notifications. If there are several servers, Password Manager will first attempt to use the top one in the list.

To add outgoing mail servers (SMTP)

  1. Connect to the Administration Site by typing the Administration Site URL in the address bar of your Web browser. By default, the URL is http://<ComputerName>/PMAdminADLDS/.

    NOTE: When prompted to log in, provide your domain user name in a domainname\username format.

  2. On the menu bar, click General Settings > SMTP Servers and then click Add SMTP server.

  3. In the Add SMTP Server dialog, configure the following options and click Save:

    Table 12: SMTP server details



    Server name

    Enter the SMTP server name.

    If the SMTP server uses the port which is different from the default SMTP port 25, you may specify the port using the following format:

    <server name>:<port number>

    where <server name> is the server name and <port number> is the port number used for SMTP communication.

    Sender email address

    Enter the sender's email address.

    This server requires authentication

    Select if the SMTP server requires authentication.

    User name

    Enter the user name under which Password Manager will access the SMTP server.


    Enter the password for this account.

    Confirm password

    Enter the password again.

    The server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)

    Select if the SMTP server requires an encrypted connection (SSL).

  4. Follow steps 2-3 to add any additional SMTP servers.

    NOTE: You can use the Test settings button to validate the SMTP server that you have configured. An email will be sent to the specified email address if the provided details are valid. If any of the details are invalid, an error message is displayed. You can configure the subject text of the email by configuring the value of Resource Id, Admin.Scenario.Action.TestSMTP.Settings.TestEmail.Subject in the Admin.xml file.

  5. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order of the SMTP servers in the list.

    The order of the servers in the list specifies how Password Manager uses the servers to send email notification messages. Password Manager will first attempt to use the servers at the top of the list.

To remove a server from the list of outgoing SMTP mail servers

  1. Connect to the Administration Site by typing the Administration Site URL in the address bar of your Web browser. By default, the URL is http://<ComputerName>/PMAdminADLDS/.

    NOTE: When prompted to log in, provide your domain user name in a domainname\username format.

  2. On the menu bar, click General Settings, and then click the SMTP Servers tab.

  3. On the SMTP Servers page, select the SMTP server you want to remove and click Remove.

Diagnostic Logging

Password Manager provides a simple and convenient way to collect the diagnostic information about the activity of Password Manager. Diagnostic logging is mainly intended to be used by support personnel for troubleshooting purposes.

To enable diagnostic logging in Password Manager

  1. On the home page of the Administration Site, click General Settings, then click the Logging Settings tab.

  2. Configure the following options as required:

    Table 13: Diagnostic logging options



    Specify the path to the log folder:

    Type a path to the folder to store the diagnostic information.

    Set log level

    The following log levels are available:

    Turn off logging: Select this option to turn off logging.

    Log errors only: Select this option to log only errors.

    Verbose logging: Select this option to log the most extended diagnostic information.

    IMPORTANT: Do not enable verbose logging for long periods of time. Verbose logging creates log files that can accumulate quickly. Always monitor available disk space when verbose logging is enabled.

  3. Click Save.

Scheduled Tasks

When installing Password Manager, the Password Manager setup adds the following scheduled tasks on the computer where Password Manager is installed: Invitation to Create/Update Profile, Reminder to Create/Update Profiles, Reminder to Change Password, Maximum Password Age Policy, update RADIUS server status, and User Status Statistics.

NOTE: Active Directory sites scheduled task is not applicable for Password Manager ADLDS.

Invitation to Create/Update Profile Task

This task is used to enumerate users who are not registered with Password Manager or must update their Q&A profiles and send email notifications to such users. This task is applied to users who have not been invited to create or update their Q&A profiles.

The scope of this task corresponds to the scope of the Invite Users to Create/Update Q&A Profiles user enforcement rule.

To each user from the user scope, the task is applied only once. After a user has been invited to create or update his Q&A profile, the Reminder to Create/Update Profile task will be applied to this user if configured.

You should configure this scheduled task to enable the Invite Users to Create/Update Q&A Profiles user enforcement rule. If you disable this scheduled task, the user enforcement rule will not be implemented. For more information on this user enforcement rule, see Invite Users to Create/Update Profiles.

To schedule this task

  1. Connect to the Administration Site by typing the Administration Site URL in the address bar of your Web browser. By default, the URL is http://<ComputerName>/PMAdminADLDS/.

    NOTE: When prompted to log in, provide your domain user name in a domainname\username format.

  2. On the menu bar, click General Settings, then click the Scheduled Tasks tab.

  3. Click Edit under the Invitation to Create/Update Profile task.

  4. Select the The task is enabled check box.

  5. From the drop-down list, select one of the following options: Run hourly, Run daily or Run weekly.

  6. Depending on the option selected above, specify the time and/or days of the week when this task should be run.

  7. Under Run the task on this Password Manager instance, select the Password Manager server on which the task should be run.

    IMPORTANT: The task status can be viewed only on the Password Manager instance on which the task is scheduled to run.

  8. Click Save.

To force the task to run earlier than scheduled, click the Run now link under the task.

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