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Classification Module 6.1.3 - User Guide

Introduction Deploying Classification in Identity Manager Configuring Classification: Taxonomies, Categories, and Rules
An Overview of Classification Configuration Steps Required to Implement Classification Creating Taxonomies Implementing Rules for Automated Categorization Classifying Resources When Do Categorization and Classification Occur? Managing the Life Cycle of Taxonomies and Categories
Working with Categorized Resources Appendix A: PowerShell Commands Appendix B: Oracle Configuration Appendix C: Classifying Data with Data Governance Templates Appendix D: Creating a Taxonomy to Classify Data

Editing Category Settings

When you edit a category, some changes can have significant impact on the way resources are categorized. The following table outlines the impact of your changes on categorization:

Category Parameters (PowerShell equivalent in brackets)
Setting Implications
May change the way resources are classified if the change moves the category to a different classification threshold. For more information, see Classifying Resources.
Publish this category
If you unpublish a category, the category will no longer appear in the taxonomy tree when a business owner is applying a category manually or overriding automated categorization; it will also prevent automatic classification by this category. A business owner will no longer be able to see categorizations with the unpublished category, however classification analysts can still view categorizations in the View Categorized Resources view, and unpublished categories continue to be included in the analysis commands. Note that business owners may perform attestations and be unaware that an unpublished category is associated with a resource.

Once a category has been published, it is not recommended that you unpublish a category to do further development work on it, as this will likely cause confusion for business owners when categorizations are not shown. Once a category is unpublished, you should either leave it that way or delete it. Instead, use your test environment for category development. For more information, see Managing the Life Cycle of Taxonomies and Categories.

Changing the setting on a parent category to unpublished also unpublishes any subcategory. Each subcategory must be published individually if you choose to republish the parent. If you want the automated system to use the category, you must also turn on that setting for each subcategory.
Allow this category to be used by the automated system
The category will be included in the next scheduled classification scan. Scan schedules vary depending on the computer hosting the resources. See your Data Governance administrator or Enable and Disable Automatic Classification on Specific Managed Hosts for more information. New resources or changed resources can potentially be categorized with this category immediately.
If you disable this, no more resources will be categorized with this category through the automated system, but it will still be available for manual categorization.
Govern using this category
If you stop governing with a category, any resources that were previously governed will remain so. New categorizations will not result in governance.
If you change to causing governance, all resources categorized with this category once you apply the change will be governed.
Mutually Exclusive
If you make a category mutually exclusive, and a resource is categorized in a way that is now invalid (such as categorized with two subcategories of the mutually exclusive parent), the resource will have all but one category removed to respect the new mutual exclusive setting. The category that remains will be the one with the highest combined rule scores. For more information, see How Rules Affect Categorization.
If a category was mutually exclusive, and you remove that setting, additional categories may be applied to resources the next time they are processed.
Strictly Ordered
Similarly to changing the mutual exclusivity setting, changing this setting has the potential to change the existing categorization on a resource.
There is no way to change the order of subcategories once they are created. You must delete and recreate the categories, including assigning the rules. Use care when doing this to ensure the desired results.
Threshold Changing the threshold affects categorization directly, along with the rules attached and their weights. If the cumulative weight exceeds the specified threshold, the category is applied. When making changes to the threshold value, you may want to test your changes to ensure desired results. For more information, see Testing and Reviewing Automated Classification. Note: The threshold can only be modified through PowerShell commands.

To edit category settings using the web portal

  1. Select Governed Data | Categorization Manager | Taxonomies.
  2. Locate the row containing the taxonomy with the desired category, and click Edit.
  3. Select the category to edit.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Make any changes, and click Save.
  6. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK.
    NOTE! For details on modifying rule associations with existing categories, see Associating Rules to Categories and Applying Rule Weights and Modifying the Category Threshold.

To edit category settings using PowerShell

  1. Make sure you know the ID of the desired category. For more information, see Finding a Taxonomy, Category, or Extractor ID using PowerShell.
  2. Run the Set-QCategory command with the following required parameters:
    1. ServerAddress
      Provide the name of the computer hosting the Data Governance server, and the port. Enter in the form computername:port number. The default port is 8723.
    2. CategoryID.
  3. Adjust any of the optional parameters: Name, Description, Risk, IsPublished, IsAutomaticClassificationEnabled, CausesGovernance, IsMutuallyExclusive, IsStrictlyOrdered, Threshold.

Modifying the Category Threshold

Through the Categorization Manager you can easily view and manage the variables that affect the categorizations, and ultimately the classifications applied to your resources by the system. The variables that work together to determine classification include the rules associated with a category, their weight, and the category threshold they must surpass. It is recommended to test any of these changes before deploying them in your environment. For details see, How Rules Affect Categorization.

Modifying the following variables allow you to control how your resources are classified:

  • Add and remove the rules associated with a category: Categorization will not be applied until a rule has been associated withe the category and given a weight.
  • Modify the category threshold: The threshold defines the point at which a category is applied. The scores of the associated rules must be greater than or equal to the threshold for a category to be applied.
  • Modify the rule weight: The rule weight is the relative impact of each rule on potential categorization.

For more details see, Associating Rules to Categories and Applying Rule Weights.

To modify the category threshold using the web portal

  1. Select Governed Data | Categorization Manager | Taxonomies.
  2. Locate the row containing the taxonomy with the desired category, and click Edit.
  3. Select the category to edit.
  4. Click Modify Rule Associations.
  5. Enter the required threshold.
    The threshold value determines whether a category is applied. Combined with the rule weight given to a rule when you associate it, and the rule match strength, the threshold allows you to control whether a category is applied. For example, if you have five rules and each has a weigh of one (and you want all rules to pass before a category is applied), you must set the threshold to five. If you want the category applied if even one of the rules pass, then you would set the threshold to one.
    The default value is one. As you add rules you may need to adjust the threshold as required.
  6. Click Save.

To modify the category threshold using PowerShell

  1. Make sure you know the ID of the desired category. For more information, see Finding a Taxonomy, Category, or Extractor ID using PowerShell.
  2. Run the Set-QCategory command with the following required parameters:
    1. ServerAddress
      Provide the name of the computer hosting the Data Governance server, and the port. Enter in the form computername:port number. The default port is 8723.
    2. CategoryID.
  3. Adjust the threshold parameter.

Publish All Categories at Once

If you have imported a taxonomy and are confident that the taxonomy and/or category will suit your needs as is, you can publish all categories in a single operation. Remember that once published, it will be available to business owners and the classification system for automatic classification.

Keep in mind, when you select to publish categories in this manner, all parent categories, associated taxonomy, and all sub categories will also be published. Care should be taken when performing this operation as it is not recommended to unpublish a category once it has been in use.

To publish all categories in a taxonomy using the web portal

  1. Select Governed Data | Categorization Manager | Taxonomies.
  2. Locate the row containing the taxonomy with the desired category, and click Edit.
  3. Select the required category, and click Publish All.

To publish all categories using PowerShell

  1. Make sure you know the ID of the desired category. For more information, see Finding a Taxonomy, Category, or Extractor ID using PowerShell.
  2. Run the Set-QPublishAllForCategory command with the following required parameters:
    1. ServerAddress
      Provide the name of the computer hosting the Data Governance server, and the port. Enter in the form computername:port number. The default port is 8723.
    2. CategoryID.

Moving a Category

You can move a category within a taxonomy or to a different taxonomy. When you move a category:

  • its settings are maintained except for the published/unpublished setting. (If you move a published category to a taxonomy or category that is unpublished, it will become unpublished.)
  • it will be subject to the mutual exclusivity setting on the new parent category.all rule associations are maintained.all child categories will be moved with the parent.
  • resources will keep the categorization, and the category path will be updated to display the new location.
  • any updates to strictly ordered child nodes or nodes involving mutual exclusion will not take effect until resources are re-categorized.

To move a category using the web portal

  1. Select Governed Data | Categorization Manager | Taxonomies.
  2. Locate the row containing the taxonomy with the required category, and click Edit.
  3. Select the category, and click Move.
    You should verify that the category is still configured appropriately for its new position.

To move a category using PowerShell

  1. Determine the ID of the category you want to move, and the ID of the parent category.
    See Finding a Taxonomy, Category, or Extractor ID using PowerShell for details.
  2. Run the Move-QCategory command, using the following mandatory parameters:
    1. ServerAddress
      Provide the name of the computer hosting the Data Governance server, and the port. Enter in the form computername:port number. The default port is 8723.
    2. CategoryId
      The ID of the category you want to move.
    3. ParentCategoryId
      The ID of the category under which you want the category to appear.
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