When you configure a host to check the QAS agent status automatically, the management console,
1. Creates local user called "questusr", if it does not already exist, and, a corresponding
"questgrp" group on the host that the management console uses for automatic QAS agent status
User: questusr:x:10000:100000:Quest Service User:/var/opt/quest/home/questusr:/bin/sh2. Adds questusr as an implicit member of questgrp.
Group: questgrp:x:100000:
The /var/opt/quest/home/questusr/.quest_autoqasstatus directory contains files used by Management Console for Unix. Do not remove.
3. Adds the auto-check SSH key to questusr's authorized_keys,
4. Verifies the questusr service account user can login to the host.
5. Creates a QAS qron job to the questusr account to execute chgfmon utility that monitors changes. chgfmon logs changes events to syslog.
Every time you run chgfmon it will log what it's checking to logs to the daemon facility using many different levels (WARNING, ALERT, DEBUG, and INFO. MCU configures cron to run it every 5 minutes.
Look in /var/spool/cron/ for a cron job named questusr created to auto profile the machines every 5 minutes.
more questusr:
0,5,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * '/var/opt/quest/home/questusr/.quest_auto
profile/chgfmon' -d ''/var/opt/quest/home/questusr/.quest_autoprofile' #auto-profile service job
26,17 * * * '/var/opt/quest/home/questusr/.quest_autoprofile/./notify.sh' 'heartbeat' # auto-profile service job
Also, if you run ‘crontab –u <service_account> –e’ you should be able to modify how often chgfmon is run (<service_account> = questusr by default)
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