Mapped drives being mapped using a logon script are either not shown or come up with a red X and the user is unable to “disconnect” drive using explorer.
In the Privilege Manager console, a rule may have been created to run “cmd.exe” as an administrator.
If the drives are being mapped using a logon script which uses “cmd.exe”, the above rule may be elevating the logon script's “cmd.exe” process and causing the drive mappings to be mapped using administrative privilege. When a drive is mapped using administrative privileges, it can only be un-mapped, or disconnected, by a user with administrative privileges.
If the administrator does not want to grant elevated privileges to every occurrence of the “cmd.exe” on the client computer (including when a login script is being run), then based on the need for that rule, the administrator would need to either:
Remove the rule running cmd.exe as an administrator.
Change the rule so that cmd.exe is only given administrator privileges under specific conditions (which would exclude the login script). This can be done by updating the “Arguments” field of the rule so that it will only elevate cmd.exe when it is run using the specified command line arguments.
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