This knowledge article applies to the following unsupported hardware appliances:
The IPMI has a failover default setting that can make it unreachable after booting the appliance.
The IPMI interface is unreachable on the dedicated interface.
The best option to prevent happening this is to set the default failover operation to another one. The failover option can be set using the Web GUI of the IPMI interface, using IPMIView or the built-in ipmitool command line application. It is enough to set it only once, it will remain the same between reboots and IPMI resets.
There is an option in the IPMI's web GUI to force this option on the Configuration -> LAN Select page.
If you use IPMIView, then you can set it when you open the given appliance and navigate to the BMC Setting tab. There you will find a "LAN Interface" Box where you can set it to the dedicated interface.
If you open a boot shell on the appliance, you can reach the ipmitool utility which can set the interface with RAW OEM commands.
On the appliances specified above, you can use the command below to query its current settings and you will find the output's meaning in the table.
ipmitool raw 0x30 0x70 0xc 0 0 0
Value | Behaviour |
00 00 | default (failover) |
01 00 | use dedicated IPMI port |
01 01 | use shared LAN1 port |
You can set the IPMI settings to use only the dedicated interface by this command:
ipmitool raw 0x30 0x70 0xc 1 1 0
The n1000 appliance has a slighter different IPMI, so the command is modified a little bit. You only need to remove the trailing zero data byte:
ipmitool raw 0x30 0x70 0xc 0
Value | Behaviour |
00 | use dedicated IPMI port |
01 | use shared LAN1 port |
02 | default (failover) |
Set the IPMI to use only the dedicated ethernet line:
ipmitool raw 0x30 0x70 0xc 1 0
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