The possible reasons for this time change could be either of the following:
3. Timezone change on SSB (there is a warning if this is attempted, timezone changing is not supported)
2022-01-20T16:50:33+08:00 ssb01 index-logspace1[00000]: An old message appeared out of order; last_received='135246606', current='34015131', time_index_file='not accessible'
The procedure of this is the following:
Please note that the commands in the below steps should be executed on boot firmware!
1. Stop syslog-ng (Basic Settings > System > Service Control: Disable syslog traffic and indexing)
2. Choose an external drive/share or a different directory on the SSB itself where the logs can be moved to.
# du -sm /mnt/firmware/opt/ssb/var/logspace/id/* | awk 'BEGIN{sum=0} {sum=sum+$1} END{print sum"MB"}'
# cd /to/where/we/want/to/move/the/files
The file's contents should be:
NOTE: The DAY variable ( /2022/01-20/ ) in the script should be adjusted to the desired date!
# chmod u+x
# ./
# ls -l /mnt/firmware/opt/ssb/var/logspace/id/*/2022/01-20/*
9. Start syslog-ng in the GUI (Basic Settings > System > Service Control: Enable syslog traffic and indexing)
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