1. Modify the /opt/ssb/share/templates/config/lighttpd.tpl file on the core shell.
2. Append cipher requirements to be blocked to the end of the string in the ssl.cipher-list:
e.g ssl.cipher-list = "{originalstring}!blockedcipher1:!blockedcipher2"
e.g ssl.cipher-list = "{{$cipher_suites[$cipher_suite]}}!DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:!DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:!AES128-SHA:!AES256-SHA:!AES128-SHA256:!AES256-SHA256:!AES128-GCM-SHA256:!AES256-GCM-SHA384:!ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:!ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:!ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:!ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:!DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:!DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256"
The ! is used to define cipher not allowed for connection.
To apply the changes immediately, execute the following commands:
3. /opt/ssb/bin/makeworld.php --all
There should not be any errors after running this command.
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