To simplify the installation and configuration of the Privilege Manager for Unix components, One Identity recommends that you install One IdentityManagement Console for Unix. Management Console for Unix provides a web-based mangement console, a powerful and easy-to-use tool that dramatically simplifies deployment, enables management of local Unix users and groups, provides granular reports on key data and attributes, and streamlines the overall management of your Unix, Linux, and macOS hosts.
You can download the Management Console for Unix install package from the same Download Software page where you downloaded the Privilege Manager for Unix software packages.
To test Privilege Manager for Unix, you must set up at least one primary policy server and one remote host system configured with the PM Agent.
Management Console for Unix makes it easy for you to centrally manage a policy file on a primary policy server.
You can install the mangement console on Windows, Unix, or macOS computers. Each hosting platform prompts for similar information.
The following install files are located on the Privilege Manager for Unix distribution media under console | server:
The One IdentityManagement Console for Unix Administration Guide contains detailed instructions for installing the mangement console on all of these platforms. Use the following procedure to install the mangement console on a Unix computer from the command line using the installation script:
To install the mangement console on a Unix platform
# sh
You can optionally use one of these options:
-c option (console mode) to prompt you for information interactively.
Using no option starts the installer in a graphical user interface if you have an X server, making the installation experience similar to running it from the Windows autorun.
In console mode, it asks you for the following information:
The install wizard extracts and downloads the files, configures and starts the service, and so forth. On Unix, the install location is /opt/quest/mcu and you cannot specify an alternate path.
The default for the uninstaller is to remove everything. Before you uninstall Management Console for Unix, if you plan to re-install Management Console for Unix and want to preserve your data, backup your application database. The application database contains information about the hosts, settings, users, groups, passwords, and so forth.
By default, the database directory is at: /var/opt/quest/mcu.
To uninstall the mangement console from Unix
Run the following command as root:
# /opt/quest/mcu/uninstall
You can optionally use one of the following options with the uninstall command:
-c option (console mode) to prompt you for information interactively.
Using no option starts the installer in a graphical user interface.
This option is useful if you plan to re-install Management Console for Unix and want to preserve your data. The default for the uninstaller is to remove everything.
The wizard uninstalls Management Console for Unix
The first thing you must do is install and configure the host you want to use as your primary policy server.
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