stomp: Publishing messages using STOMP

The stomp() driver sends messages to servers (message brokers) using the Simple (or Streaming) Text Oriented Message Protocol (STOMP), formerly known as TTMP. syslog-ng OSE supports version 1.0 of the STOMP protocol. The syslog-ng OSE stomp() driver supports persistence.

The name-value pairs selected with the value-pairs() option will be sent as STOMP headers, while the body of the STOMP message is empty by default (but you can add custom content using the body() option). Publishing the name-value pairs as headers makes it possible to use the Headers exchange-type and subscribe only to interesting log streams.

For the list of available parameters, see stomp() destination options.

stomp( host("<stomp-server-address>") );
Example: Using the stomp() driver

The following example shows the default values of the available options.

destination d_stomp {
        body("")             # optional, empty by default
        username("user")     # optional, empty by default
        password("password") # optional, empty by default
        value-pairs(scope(selected-macros, nv-pairs, sdata))