Make sure that you have physically connected the IPMI interface to the network and that it is properly configured. This is important because you can only power the secondary node on through the IPMI interface. For details on configuring the IPMI interface, see "Out-of-band management of SSB" in the Administration Guide.
To upgrade an SSB cluster
Stop SSB from accepting the incoming log traffic. Navigate to Basic Settings > System > Service control and click Disable.
If you are upgrading from SSB 5.3: Update the firmware of SSB using the web interface.
Navigate to Basic Settings > System > Upgrade.
Upload the new ISO file.
When the upload is finished, click Upgrade, reboot master, and shut down slave.
If you are upgrading from SSB 5.0: Upload the boot firmware of SSB using the web interface.
Navigate to Basic Settings > System > Boot firmwares.
Upload the new boot firmware.
When the upload is finished, select the After reboot option for the new firmware.
Do not reboot SSB yet.
If you are upgrading from SSB 5.0: Update the core firmware of SSB using the web interface.
Navigate to Basic Settings > System > Core firmwares.
Upload the new core firmware.
When the upload is finished, select the After reboot option for the new firmware.
Do not reboot SSB yet.
Recommended step. To help troubleshoot potential issues following the upgrade, collect and save system information (create a debug bundle) now.
Navigate to Basic Settings > Troubleshooting > System debug and choose Collect and save current system state info.
Navigate to Basic Settings > High availability, and verify that the new firmware is displayed for the secondary node. This might take a few minutes.
Note that at this stage, the secondary node is not using the new firmware yet.
Navigate to Basic Settings > System > High availability > Other node and click Shutdown.
Restart the primary node: choose This node > Reboot.
SSB attempts to boot with the new firmware. Wait for the process to complete.
Log in to the SSB web interface to verify that the primary node upgrade was successful.
Navigate to Basic Settings > System > Version details and check the version numbers of SSB. In case you encounter problems, you can find common troubleshooting steps in Troubleshooting.
Upload the new license file. For details, see Updating the SSB license.
Use the IPMI interface to start the secondary node.
The secondary node attempts to boot with the new firmware, and reconnects to the primary node to sync data. During the sync process, certain services (including Heartbeat) are not available. Wait for the process to finish, and the secondary node to boot fully.
Navigate to Basic Settings > System > High availability & Nodes and verify that the secondary node is connected, and has the same firmware versions as the primary node.
NOTE: When upgrading an SSB cluster, the upgrade process on the slave node will only be completed once a takeover has been performed.
Enable SSB to receive the incoming log traffic. Navigate to Basic Settings > System > Service control and click Enable.