The SSH Key Discovery jobs discover SSH keys of the accounts that are in the scope of the profile. You can configure, schedule, and run SSH Key Discovery jobs. After a job has run, you can view the Discovered SSH Keys under the tab of that name. You will see the following: Key Fingerprint, Comment (that is in the key), Key Type, Key Length, Asset Name, Account Name, and Account Status ("managed" means SPP manages the account, and "disabled" means SPP does not manage the account).

  1. Set up the partition with the SSH key profile. For more information, see SSH Key Profiles tab (partitions).
  2. Create an SSH Key Discovery job. For more information, see Adding an SSH Key Discovery job.
  3. SSH Key Discovery jobs can be scheduled to run automatically. In addition you can manually launch a job on a single account: 

    • From Asset Management > Discovery > SSH Keys select the SSH Key Discovery job to run, then click Discover SSH Keys.
  4. After the SSH Key Discovery job runs, click SSH Key Discovery Results tile to view the SSH Keys found. For more information, see SSH Key Discovery Results.

    NOTE: The discovery job finds all current SSH keys that match the discovery rule's criteria. SSH Key Discovery does not update existing accounts.

Search the Activity Center for information about discovery jobs that have run. SPP lists the SSH Key Discovery events in the SSH Key Discovery Activity category. For more information, see Activity Center.