Account Discovery jobs include the rules SPP uses to perform account discovery against assets. When you add an Account Discovery job, you can identify whether or not to automatically manage found accounts, whether to discover services, and whether to automatically configure dependent systems.

The accounts in the scope of the discovery job may include accounts that were previously added (manually) to the Safeguard partition. For more information, see Adding an account..

To configure and schedule Account Discovery jobs, perform one of the following:

  • You can create or edit an Account Discovery job, then associate assets to the Account Discovery job via the Occurrences button.

    IMPORTANT: You must click Occurrences to associate assets to the Account Discovery job. If you do not associate the assets to the Account Discovery job, the accounts will not be found.

  • You can create or edit an asset and, in the process, assign or create an Account Discovery job. For more information, see Adding an asset.
Supported platforms

SPP supports account discovery on the following platforms:

  • AIX
  • HP-UX
  • Linux / Unix (based)
  • MAC OS X
  • Solaris
  • Starling Connect
  • Windows (services and tasks)
  • MySQL
  • Postgres
  • SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • iDrac
  • HP iLO
  • HP iLO MP
Properties and toolbar

Go to Account Discovery:

  • web client: Navigate to Asset Management > Discovery > Accounts.

Use these toolbar buttons to manage the Account Discovery jobs.

Table 97: Account Discovery: Toolbar
Option Description
New Account Discovery Job

Add an Account Discovery job. For more information, see Adding an Account Discovery job.


Delete the selected Account Discovery job.

View Details

Modify the selected Account Discovery job. You can also double-click a row to open the edit dialog.

Discover Accounts

Discover the accounts on the selected Account Discovery job. Select the asset on the Asset dialog. A Task pop-up displays which shows the progress and completion.

Discover Services

Discover the services on the selected Account Discovery job. Select the asset on the Asset dialog. A Task pop-up displays which shows the progress and completion.


Add, delete, or refresh the assets associated with the Account Discovery job.

IMPORTANT: You must associate the assets to the Account Discovery job for the accounts to be found.


Use this button to export the listed data as either a JSON or CSV file. For more information, see Exporting data.


Update the list of Account Discovery jobs.


Enter the character string to be used to search for a match. For more information, see Search box..

Account Discovery jobs display in the grid.

Table 98: Account Discovery: Account Discovery job grid
Name Name of the discovery job.
Created By The creator of the job.
Discovery Type The type of discovery performed, for example, Windows, Unix, Starling Connect, or Directory.
Directory The directory on which the discovery job runs.

The partition in which to manage the discovered assets or accounts.


Designates when the discovery job runs.

Discover Services

A check mark displays if the job will discover service accounts.

Auto Configure

A check mark displays if the accounts that are discovered in the Service Discovery job are automatically configured as dependent accounts on the asset.


Total number of assets assigned to the Account Discovery job. A Caution displays if no accounts are assigned to the Account Discovery job therefore no data will be discovered.


The description of the discovery job.