The Copy data to a remote server using NFS backup method connects to a shared directory of the target server with the Network File Share protocol.

NOTE: Backup and archive policies only work with existing shares and subdirectories.

If a server has a share at, for example, archive and that directory is empty, when the user configures archive/scb1 (or similar) as a backup/archive share, it will fail.

The version of NFS used is automatically detected. All versions of NFS, up to and including NFS version 4 protocol, are supported.

  1. Navigate to Policies > Backup & Archive and click in the Backup policies section to create a new backup policy.

  2. Enter a name for the backup policy (for example, config-backup).

  3. Enter the time when the backup process should start into the Start time field in HH:MM format (for example, 23:00).

    You can add the start time for additional backup processes.


    When specifying an additional start time, ensure that the previous backup process finishes before the new backup process starts.

  4. Enter the IP address or the hostname of the remote server into the Target server field (for example,

    Use an IPv4 address.

  1. Select Copy data to a remote server using NFS from the Copy data from PSM radio buttons.

    Figure 22: Policies > Backup & Archive > Backup policies — Configuring NFS backups

  2. Enter the domain name of the remote server into the Target server field.

  3. Enter the name of the NFS export into the Export field.

    SPS saves all data into this directory, automatically creating the subdirectories. Audit-trail backups are stored in the data, configuration backups in the config subdirectory.

  4. The remote server must also be configured to accept backups from SPS.

    Add a line that corresponds to the settings of SPS to the /etc/exports file of the backup server. This line should contain the following parameters:

    • The path to the backup directory as set in the Export field of the SPS backup policy.

    • The IP address of the SPS interface that is used to access the remote server. For more information on the network interfaces of SPS, see Network settings.

      Use an IPv4 address.

    • The following parameters: (rw,no_root_squash,sync).

    Example: Configuring NFS on the remote server

    For example, if SPS connects the remote server from the IP address and the data is saved into the /var/backups/SPS directory, add the following line to the /etc/exports file:

  5. On the remote server, execute the following command:

    exportfs -a

    Verify that the rpc portmapper and rpc.statd applications are running.

  1. When your SPS instance is a node in a cluster, select Include the Cluster Node ID in the path. This ensures that the ID of the node is included in the path of the relevant directory, which is required to prevent cluster nodes from backing up data to the same location, and so overwriting each other's data and resulting in data loss. In addition, having the node's ID in the directory name also enables easy identification.


    Hazard of data loss

    Unchecking Include the Cluster Node ID in the path when your SPS is a node in a cluster can result in data loss if you have configured configuration synchronization across your cluster nodes.

  1. To receive e-mail notification of the backup, select the Send notification on errors only or the Send notification on all events option. Notifications are sent to the administrator e-mail address set on the Management tab.

    To include the list of files in the e-mail, select Send notification on all events and enable the Include file list option. However, note that if the list is very long (for example, SPS stores over 20000 audit trails), the SPS web interface might become unaccessible. In this case, set the Maximum number of files in notification lower. After this number has been reached, file names will be omitted from the notification.

    NOTE: This e-mail notification is different from the one set on the Alerting & Monitoring tab. This notification is sent to the administrator's e-mail address, while the alerts are sent to the alert e-mail address (see Configuring system monitoring on SPS).

  2. Click .

  3. To assign the backup policy to a connection, see Creating data backups.