SPP supports Amazon Web Services (AWS), a secure cloud services platform.

When adding an Amazon Web Services asset, the Network Address must contain the AWS Account ID or Alias.

To prepare Amazon Web Services platforms for SPP

  1. In SPP

    1. Ensure the latest Amazon's certificate and AWS certificate's root certificate authority (CA) are in the Trusted Certificates store in SPP.

    2. Configure an Identity and Access Management (IAM) user to use as a service account.

    3. Assign the IAM service account to the AdministratorAccess security policy.

  2. In Amazon:

    1. Create an access key for the IAM service account. Amazon creates a pair of data items called a Secret Key and a public Access Key ID. Take a note of both the Access Key ID and Secret Key. You will need them when you add the Amazon Web Services asset to SPP.