Clicking Download Template will download a template file in which the columns will match the export column names. The following is a list of columns in each template.

Asset template

The Asset template CSV contains the following columns:

  • Name: A string containing the display name for this asset.

  • PlatformDisplayName: A string containing the name of the Platform for this asset.

  • Description: A string containing a description for this asset.

  • AssetPartitionName: A string containing the name of the Partition for this asset.

  • NetworkAddress: A string containing the network address for this asset.

  • ConnectionProperties/Port: An integer containing the port for this asset.

  • ConnectionProperties/ServiceAccountDomainName: A string containing the service account domain name if it has one.

  • ConnectionProperties/ServiceAccountName: A string containing the service account name.

  • ConnectionProperties/ServiceAccountPassword: A string containing the password to use for the service account.

  • ConnectionProperties/ServiceAccountCredentialType: A string specifying the type of credential to use to authenticate to the asset.

    The possible values are None, Password, SshKey, DirectoryPassword, LocalHostPassword, AccessKey, AccountPassword, Custom, Starling.

  • ConnectionProperties/AccessKeyId: A string containing an access key ID for AWS password management.

  • ConnectionProperties/SecretKey: A string containing a secret key for AWS password management.

  • ConnectionProperties/ServiceAccountDistinguishedName: A string containing the LDAP distinguished name of a service account. This is used for creating LDAP directories.

  • ConnectionProperties/UseSslEncryption: Do not use SSL encryption for LDAP directory, valid values are true, false, or leave it empty.

  • ConnectionProperties/VerifySslCertificate: Do not verify Server SSL certificate of LDAP directory, valid values are true, false, or leave it empty.

  • ConnectionProperties/PrivilegeElevationCommand: A string containing the privilege elevation command, ex. sudo.

  • ConnectionProperties/ServiceAccountSshKey/PrivateKey: A string containing the service accounts private key.

  • ConnectionProperties/ServiceAccountSshKey/Passphrase: A string containing the passphrase to access the service account private key, blank if not needed.

  • SshHostKey/SshHostKey: A string specifying the SSH host key for this asset.

AssetAccount template

The AssetAccount template CSV contains the following columns:

  • Name: A string containing the name for the account.

  • Description: A string containing the description for the account.

  • DomainName: A string containing the domain name for the account.

  • DistinguishedName: A string containing the distinguished name for the account.

  • Asset/Name: A string containing the asset that contains this account.

AssetAccountPassword template

The AssetAccountPassword template CSV contains the following columns:

  • Name: A string containing the name of the account to set the password on.

  • Asset/Name: A string containing the name of the asset that contains this account.

  • Asset/AssetPartitionName: A string containing the name of the partition of the asset that contains this account.

  • Password: A string containing the password to set on this accout.

AssetAccountSshKey template

The AssetAccountSshKey template CSV contains the following columns:

  • Name: A string containing the name of the account to set the SSH key on.

  • Asset/Name: A string containing the name of the asset that contains this account.

  • Asset/AssetPartitionName: A string containing the name of the partition of the asset that contains this account.

  • PrivateKey: A string containing the Private Key.

  • Passphrase: A string containing the passphrase to access the Private Key, blank if not needed.

  • Comment: A string containing the SSH Key comment.

User template

The User template CSV contains the following columns:

  • Name: A string containing the username to give to the new user.

    NOTE: Names must be unique per identity provider.

  • FirstName: A string containing the first name of the user.

  • LastName: A string containing the last name of the user.

  • Description: A string containing the description of the user.

  • EmailAddress: A string containing the email address of the user.

  • WorkPhone: A string containing the work phone number of the user.

  • MobilePhone: A string containing the mobile phone number of the user.

  • AdminRoles: A string containing the permissions (admin roles) to assign to the user.

    Use the following format: "[""permission"",""permission"",""permission""]"

    The valid values are GlobalAdmin, ApplicationAuditor, SystemAuditor, Auditor, AssetAdmin, ApplianceAdmin, PolicyAdmin, UserAdmin, HelpdeskAdmin, OperationsAdmin.

  • DirectoryProperties/DomainName: A string containing the DNS name of the domain this user is in.

  • PrimaryAuthenticationProvider/Name: A string containing the name of the authentication provider.

  • PrimaryAuthenticationProvider/Identity: A string containing the identity of the user to authenticate with.

  • Password: A string containing the password.